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Google Images Illegal? -- And the Price of Freedom

From: "Dave" <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 16:52:57 -0400

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lauren Weinstein" <lauren () vortex com>
To: <dave () farber net>
Cc: <lauren () vortex com>
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: Google Images Illegal? -- And the Price of Freedom

             Google Images Illegal? -- And the Price of Freedom


Greetings.  Are perhaps millions of photos on Google Image Search,
other search engines, and the associated, linked hosting Web sites to be made illegal?

That appears to be essentially the plan of some legislators here in
California, who are pushing for a law making it illegal to display
photos of young children on the Internet "without permission."  Note
that the idea isn't just to prohibit pornographic photos, or naked
photos, but all photos of "toddlers" -- including fully clothed in
completely public settings.

A quick survey of the Google Image Search database yielded over 600K
hits simply for "toddler or toddlers" -- one can easily imagine the
scope of similar photos to be found using other related keywords.

This new move toward photo restrictions is being driven by the same
forces -- laudable but misguided and ineffective attempts to protect
children -- that I discussed a few months ago in the context of
mandated ID requirements for Web site access:

"MySpace, Google, and the Path to Tyranny"
( )

In the current case, the outrage is over an admitted "pedophile"
(currently living out of his car here in L.A.), who has no criminal
record, is not a registered sex offender, and says he does not act
upon his impulses in illegal ways.  Municipalities are trying to
find ways to ban him and make illegal his apparently favorite
activity -- taking photos of children in public places and posting
them on his Web site.

That this character is exceedingly creepy is undeniable.  That he
might be potentially dangerous is obviously not at all out of the
question.  But in fact, what's he's committing at this point is
literally nothing more than "thought crime" in the purest sense of
Orwell's "1984" -- and if the plan now is to try cage up everyone
who ever thinks dangerous thoughts ... well, we're going to need a
lot of space for the necessary concentration camps.

Similarly, trying to make it illicit to display such photos taken in
public places is a potentially disastrous path.  Do the proponents
of such a course seriously believe that "nasty people" won't
continue to trade any and all photos through underground channels?
And when the first stage proves ineffective, what's the next step?
Ban photos of public buildings? People's houses? Cars? Dogs?
Well, there goes the immensely valuable Google Maps images, Google
Earth, and Google Street View down the toilet, not to mention their
competition in these various technology spaces.

One wonders what the endgame is in the reasoning of the folks who
propose such restrictions on information?  We've already seen
Homeland Security used as an excuse for blocking community access to
data about dangerous sites within their midsts, and for harassing
innocent people taking photos of bridges and tunnels.  Such
restrictive actions can easily lead to cover-ups and actual
disasters.  In a time when our physical infrastructure is crumbling
for lack of funds (while hundreds of billions are being spent on
Iraq and the "war on terror"), a serious rethinking of our
priorities would seem to be in order.  Would a bit more money spent
on infrastructure instead of padding "terror war" contractors
pockets have saved those lives lost on the Interstate 35 bridge in
Minneapolis yesterday?  It's difficult not to ponder the question.

Homeland security arguments may seem a far cry from trying to ban
photos of children.  But the underlying principles are the same.
I'll say this yet again for the umpteenth time.  You cannot
effectively censor the Internet.  To be sure, not every datum of
information should be on the Internet in the first place, but once
it's out there, you can't take it back.  And public places are by
definition public.  Trying to impose a special category of "public
places whose images are not allowed on the Internet" is simply
impractical and ineffective, and in the end also ridiculous and

While I have indeed called for research and discussion in the areas
of Search Engine Dispute Notifications (e.g. ), this approach is
associated with my belief that the only "cure" for problematic
information on the Internet is more information, not less.

New demands for Internet IDs (e.g., an "Internet Driver's License"),
and the various calls for broad restrictions on photos and other
data from public places, are being driven not only by fear, but also by political and other opportunism as well.

Unless we wish to see the Internet reduced to a pablum of the lowest
common denominator, it is imperative that we stand up for key
principles, even when that means sometimes having to align ourselves
in certain respects with some of the least admirable members of
Such is the nature of standing up for freedom, not only in the 21st
century, but throughout human history.

Lauren Weinstein
lauren () vortex com or lauren () pfir org Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 Co-Founder, PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility - Co-Founder, IOIC - International Open Internet Coalition - Founder, CIFIP - California Initiative For Internet Privacy - Founder, PRIVACY Forum - Member, ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy Lauren's Blog:

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