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IP: No Office? No Desk! No Problem, Sun Says - also no privacy! tx Scott

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:04:44 +0900

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From: net worker/ paul f <networker () eidmgt com>


Perfect example of a tech vs user focused company 'still not getting it

But then, what whould one expect from Scott McNealy who early declared:
"Privacy is Dead; Get over It!"

Both Microsoft and Sun dont get the simple fact the people want some
modicum of privacy; and the power to decide for themselves what they
want their computer to do.

Below article reflects Scott McNealy's continued failure to understand
that employees have a right to some modicum of privacy. I dont see
anything here about 'personal space' on the virtual network being
provided by SUN for each employee. Nor anything about the ability to
work consecutive days in a more convenient location being ok...guess
Scott has not heard of a child being sick for more than one day at a

Paul Foldes
Adj Prof, Busn, Mgt, Info-Sci
Former FTC consumer protection atty
Successful single parent who raised a child in a virtial office

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Quote Data provided by Reuters <> NetTrends: No
Office? No Desk! No Problem, Sun Says NetTrends: No Office? No Desk! No
Problem, Sun Says 
Sat Jun  1,11:42 PM ET

By Peter Henderson 

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - How much would you give not to have show up at
your desk every day? What if it meant giving up the desk itself?

Sun Microsystems Inc. is uprooting employees from permanent desks and plans
in a year to have about half the workforce floating around and between
offices, as virtual desktops follow them on the computer maker's network.

What began as a program to deal with "commute hell" in the San Francisco Bay
Area during the days when Sun famously said it was the "dot in dot-com", has
morphed into a consolidation drive as Sun abandons real estate, cuts jobs
and becomes, according to wry executives, the "O in old economy."

Sun says will save it $150 million annually, and the program is essentially
an advertisement for the company's marketing pitch that business runs better
on a network of big computers than smaller boxes powered by software from
rival Microsoft Corp.

A number of companies have tried to adapt the office to the modern world,
many without success. Cartoonist Scott Adams, creator of the "Dilbert"
office strip lampooning white-collar office life, has suggested that the way
to improve productivity was to build an "ultimate cubicle" with a personal
cooler, hammock and monitor on the boss's activity.


"You come in early, you get a good a parking space, you get a good office."
Chief Executive Scott McNealy has summed up the iWork program.

That philosophy led Blythe Morris, an internal communications manager, to
show up at Sun's San Francisco office on at 7 a.m. on a recent Friday.

"I didn't want to be that last person without a seat," she said, leaning
back in a standard chair behind a standard desk in a personality-free office
that nevertheless has all her electronic information and a phone tied to her

Fridays are particularly busy, because many employees who work in Silicon
Valley try to stay nearer to their San Francisco homes ahead of the weekend,
but to keep people like Morris, who has an assigned desk in the Valley, an
hour's drive south of the city, from swamping the San Francisco office, Sun
has the Big Rule: "Use is limited to no more than two times per week, and
not any two consecutive days."

Across the hall, at a carbon copy desk, San Francisco-based Barton George, a
brand manager, has gained freedom to reserve an office in advance for giving
up an assigned desk. He cleans up his office when he leaves for more than a
couple of hours. That is a rule, too.

The Sun offices have none of the hipness of the open planned "officeless
office" conceived by Chiat/Day advertising firm founder Jay Chiat, but there
is not much confusion, either. Walls divide the space and there are no
laptops to be checked out or plugged in, since everything at Sun is
physically wired to the network, and computers are everywhere.

The lack of personality at Sun, however, was troubling to Martin Bechtold,
Assistant Professor of Design Technology at the Harvard Design School, who
said he believed people needed the chance to personalize their offices --
even if he did not have studies to prove so one way or another.

"We are after all physical people and not virtual people," he said.


Sun servers hold all Sun employees' data, a technologically centralized
approach which is different from most corporations that give each employee a
personal computer and only put the major corporate information on a server.

The advantage to Sun, which always talks about the power of the network, is
that no data is ever locked on an inaccessible personal computer. It is
cheaper, too, Sun says.

Sun employees log onto a very small, inexpensive computer "appliance" called
a Sun Ray, which lists for about $500 and is little more than an I.D. card
reader. That connects them to the servers, which supply all the programs and
data they need. 

Sun also has its own word processing and office suite, called Star Office,
which it has begun selling, instead of it giving away, in a sign of maturity
for the Microsoft Office rival.

Sun has been clever about the details to make iWork work, providing office
maps on the reservation system and giving employees training to deal with
the mobility. 

There is still plenty of griping about having to pack up all the time and
store everything in high school-like lockers. All the equipment is equally
fresh, so far. 

Many managers have had a tough time losing their offices and watching
employees move around more, but the modern world has pushed Sun in this
direction, argues Bill Agnello, executive vice president of workplace

"The forces are already out there: the Internet, commute hell, the choices
dual-income earning families have to have with trading off quality of life
and commitment to work," he said.

The system would seem custom-made for fast-growing companies, since a new
employee can grab an I.D. card, find a free desk, and go. But Sun has really
revved up the program since its own growth stalled, along with the Internet

Sun was on track to increase its work force 50 percent annually before
things turned poorly at the end of 2000, and in the last two fiscal years it
has taken $465 million in charges to close down offices and get out of real
estate commitments.

An office costs about $15,000 per year to maintain, Agnello says, and Sun
plans about one desk per employee, including the remote locations, once the
system is running, with 18,000 employees, roughly half the company,

About 1,000 of the 18,000 will be home-based, but Agnello says the drive is
about being mobile, not working from home. "We are mobile, we are likely to
become more mobile. We just need the integrated perspective to support it,"
he said. 

"(Employees) understand that to invest in those things, to give them more
choice and flexibility ... they've got to help us fund it," he said.

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 Sat Jun  1,11:42 PM ET - (Reuters)

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