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IP: Spock was right

From: David Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 17:47:48 -0400

From: "Grant Manheim" <gmanheim () attglobal net>
To: <Undisclosed.Recipients () out4 prserv net>
Subject: Spock was right
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 10:55:49 -0700
X-Priority: 3

October 3 1999


Jonathan Leake

Science Editor

THE astronomer royal has boldly gone where few astrophysicists have 
dared to go before. Sir Martin Rees has unveiled a new theory that 
we live in a Star Trek-style cosmos in which our universe is just 
one of millions existing in parallel - many of which could harbour 
other forms of life.

In a new book, which has caused controversy even before publication, 
he has also suggested that there is no such thing as empty space; 
that our universe could exist in a bubble destined to be crushed by 
the implosion of a much larger universe surrounding it; and that 
future civilisations could find a way of creating miniature black 
holes, within which entirely new universes could grow. He also hints 
at universes populated only by insects.

Rees, professor of astronomy at Cambridge University, is 
internationally renowned, but is generally seen as conservative. His 
book shows this is a mistake. "I know not everyone will agree with 
my ideas," he said this weekend, "but a lot of people will talk 
about them."

Even the title of his book, Just Six Numbers, is provocative. It 
claims the essence of the universe is determined by six constants - 
all of which have to be right to allow a universe in which life was 

The numbers include the relative strength of the forces binding 
atoms compared to that of gravity. If gravity had been even a 
fraction stronger, he argues, our universe would probably have 
lasted a short time before imploding. If life had evolved in that 
time, it would have been restricted to the size and shape of 
insects, the only organisms able to withstand high gravity.

In a profession in which suggestions that the universe may owe its 
existence to a benign creator are often treated with derision, Rees 
also notes that the fact that all six numbers

are so "finely tuned" may be the first real evidence collected by 
astronomers for the existence of God.

He is, however, careful not to go too far down that road, preferring 
an alternative, but equally controversial, suggestion that there is 
an infinity of other universes, most of which are sterile. More are 
being continually created, he suggests.

According to this theory, the huge number of universes created meant 
that sooner or later one of them would have the "six numbers" at 
exactly the right values. He calls his new vision of the cosmos the 

He argues: "Our big bang may not have been the only one. Separate 
universes may have cooled down differently, ending up governed by 
different laws. This is a natural deduction for some (albeit 
speculative) theories and opens up a new vision of the universe as 
just one 'atom' among an infinite multiverse."

Dr Victor Clube, an astrophysicist at Oxford University, said Rees's 
theories were merely a fashionable construct that would not stand 
the test of time. "There is no evidence for other universes. He is 
just using the theory as a way to explain our existence without 
recourse to religion. But, without evidence, believing in other 
universes is just as unscientific as believing in God."

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