Interesting People mailing list archives

IP: Internet tax bill

From: David Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 01:00:03 -0400

AOP Alert 97:10                         Tuesday, June17, 1997

The following is a legislative alert from the Association of
Online Professionals, the primary professional association of
Internet Service Providers and other professionals who manage
online services.

Please give it the widest possible distribution.

Internet Tax Bill Faces Crucial Vote:  Your action needed.

On Thursday, June 19, the Internet Tax Freedom Act will face a
crucial vote in the US Senate Commerce Committee.  Though the
bill has had strong support in the Senate, the state taxing
authorities has engaged in an 11th-hour blitz of misinformation
and misrepresentation in order to attempt to get the bill killed.

It is essential that your voice be heard, and that the members
of the Senate who will vote tomorrow know how you, the voters,
feel about this issue.

The Internet Tax Freedom Act will bar taxation of your access to
the Internet by the states.  It does not pre-empt the rights of
the state to tax other forms of online commerce, or to impose
appropriate business taxes.  It does, in keeping with the US
Constitution, forbid the states from taxing interstate commerce.

All Internet providers and their subscribers, particularly those
from the states in which these Senators were elected, are asked to
comment.  Politely.  Gently.  Encourage them to vote in favor of
the Internet Tax Freedom Act on Thursday.

Call their offices or fax a statement.  Either will be more
effective than email.

Please contact the following Senators, who are supporters of the
bill, and encourage them to keep fighting for us:

     Senator John McCain, Arizona
     Phone: (202) 224-2235
     Fax: (202) 228-2862
     Email: Senator_McCain () mccain senate gov

     Senator John F. Kerry, Massachusetts
     Phone: (202) 224-2742
     Fax: (202) 224-8525
     Email: john_kerry () kerry senate gov

     Senator Ron Wyden, Oregon
     Phone: (202) 224-5244
     Fax: (202) 228-2717
     Email: senator () wyden senate gov

The following DO NOT SUPPORT the bill, and need to hear from you!

     Senator Byron L. Dorgan
     Phone: (202) 224-2551
     Fax: (202) 224-1193
     Email: senator () dorgan senate gov

     Senator Richard H. Bryan, Nevada
     Phone: (202) 224-6244
     Fax: (202) 224-1867
     Email: senator () bryan senate gov

     Senator John B. Breaux, Louisiana
     Phone: (202) 224-4623
     Fax: (202) 228-2577
     Email: senator () breaux senate gov

     Senator Ted Stevens, Alaska
     Phone: (202) 224-3004
     Fax: (202) 224-2354
     Email: Senator_Stevens () stevens senate gov

     Senator Conrad R. Burns, Montana
     Phone: (202) 224-2644
     Fax: (202) 224-8594
     Email: conrad_burns () burns senate gov

     Senator Slade Gorton, Washington
     Phone: (202) 224-3441
     Fax: (202) 224-9393
     Email: Senator_Gorton () gorton senate gov

     Senator Trent Lott, Mississippi
     Phone: (202) 224-6253
     Fax: (202) 224-2262
     Email: senatorlott () lott senate gov

     Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas
     Phone: (202) 224-5922
     Fax: (202) 224-0776
     Email: senator () hutchison senate gov

     Senator Olympia Snowe, Maine
     Phone: (202) 224-5344
     Fax: (202) 224-1946
     Email: Olympia@snowe=AE=9D=9D?=03=C6=CD ()  senate gov

     Senator John Ashcroft, Missouri
     Phone: (202) 224-6154
     Fax: (202) 228-5126
     Email: john_ashcroft () ashcroft senate gov

     Senator Spencer Abraham, Michigan
     Phone: (202) 224-4822
     Fax: (202) 224-8834
     Email: michigan () abraham senate gov

     Senator Sam Brownback, Kansas
     Phone: (202) 224-6521
     Fax: (202) 1-913-295-2748
     Email: sam_brownback () brownback senate gov

     Senator Ernest F. Hollings, South Carolina
     Phone: (202) 224-6121
     Fax: (202) 224-4293
     Email: senator () hollings senate gov

     Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii
     Phone: (202) 224-3934
     Fax: (202) 224-6747
     Email: senator () inouye senate gov

     Senator Wendell H. Ford, Tennessee
     Phone: (202) 224-4343
     Fax: (202) 224-0046
     Email: wendell_ford () ford senate gov

     Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV, West Virginia
     Phone: (202) 224-6472
     Fax: (202) 228-7665
     Email: senator () rockefeller senate gov


Senators FOR:

Senator_McCain () mccain senate gov, john_kerry () kerry senate gov,
senator () wyden senate gov

Senators AGAINST:

senator () dorgan senate gov, senator () bryan senate gov,
senator () breaux senate gov, Senator_Stevens () stevens senate gov,
conrad_burns () burns senate gov, senatorlott () lott senate gov,
Senator_Gorton () gorton senate gov, senator () hutchison senate gov,
john_ashcroft () ashcroft senate gov, michigan () abraham senate gov,
sam_brownback () brownback senate gov, senator () hollings senate gov,
senator () inouye senate gov, wendell_ford () ford senate gov,
senator () rockefeller senate gov

David P. McClure                                             (703) 924-5800
Executive Director                                           (703) 924-5901
Association of Online Professionals          

Sky Dayton, Founder & Chairman        |  Voice: 818-296-3072
EarthLink Network, Inc.               |  Fax:   818-296-4139
sky () earthlink net                     |  3100 New York Drive        |  Pasadena, CA  91107

******Remember  19 June in San Fran******

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