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From: Dave Farber <farber () central cis upenn edu>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 14:27:34 -0400

         June 17, 1996


         In Debate on Advanced TV, FCC Can Be Assertive

         [I] n today's escalating struggle for control of the
             nation's communications networks, the Federal
         Communications Commission is where the battle between
         commercial and public interest rages visibly -- and
         where the winners can be different one day to the next.

         For example, the FCC lost a big chunk of influence last
         week when a three-judge federal panel in Philadelphia
         resoundingly rejected as unconstitutional the
         Communications Decency Act, which was intended to ban
         so-called "indecent" speech on the Internet. The FCC had
         been designated as the CDA police.

         On the heels of the CDA decision (which the justice
         department plans to appeal directly to the Supreme
         Court) comes another challenge for the FCC, in the form
         of the long-awaited broadcasting standard for
         high-definition television, or HDTV.

         A reluctant FCC is under pressure from the broadcast
         industry and consumer electronics manufacturers to make
         a final decision on an HDTV standard by Aug. 12 --
         despite opposition to the proposed standard by today's
         fastest-growing industries, including the computer and
         software industries, and those in medical imaging,
         electronic publishing, graphics and entertainment.

         The result of all this self-interest is very likely to
         be a half-baked standard for digital television that
         ignores the potential of today's digital networks -- one
         that we'll be stuck trying to patch up with baling wire
         and chewing gum for 20 years.

         How did this happen?

         In 1991 the FCC agreed to allocate a portion of the
         broadcast spectrum for the transmission of HDTV
         broadcasts. As part of that decision it also agreed to
         reserve these channels for existing broadcasters instead
         of opening up the spectrum to newcomers.

         The theory was that existing broadcasters could bring
         new, high-definition programming to market more quickly
         than newcomers -- even though they had no incentive,
         since there was no demand.

         (Of course, because of the last five years of explosive
         growth in data networks, this decision now has
         broadcasters holding deed to a goldmine. Nowhere is it
         written that they can only use the new spectrum for
         video services; as a result, once the standard is agreed
         upon, they can deliver whatever data services and
         programming they want, to televisions or personal

         As work on the standard progressed, it became apparent
         that a Japanese HDTV standard -- a hybrid of analog and
         digital technology called Muse -- was a shoo-in.

         So a group of companies and researchers, including AT&T,
         General Instrument, the Massachusetts Institute of
         Technology, Thomson Consumer Electronics and the Sarnoff
         Research Center formed what they called the "Grand
         Alliance," to contribute the best of their research
         toward a standard that would not only beat Muse but
         would be fully digital, allowing any kind of data to be
         piped over telephone, cable and wireless data networks
         for display on computers as well.

         But the broadcast industry's engineers who were asked to
         participate in this process were not happy with a number
         of the features required to make this vision a reality.

         Most notably they were loath to abandon a TV-display
         technology called interlacing, which paints the screen
         in two alternating scans, in favor of the computer
         industry's progressive scan, which sends information to
         the screen in a steady stream and eliminates screen

         They put up such a fuss about interlace -- one trade
         journal wrote that it would be "decades" before any
         camera would be able to shoot in a progressive-scan
         format -- that the alliance agreed to leave it in the
         specification as a "transitional" technology to get the
         issue resolved.

         Since then, one alliance member -- MIT, in conjunction
         with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency --
         has proved that prediction wrong. MIT engineers invented
         a camera that was capable of shooting 60 frames a second
         (movies today are shot at 30 frames a second) using the
         progressive scan format.

         The camera, now manufactured by Polaroid, won a
         best-of-show award at the National Association of
         Broadcasters convention earlier this year.

         The timing could not have been better for the FCC
         chairman, Reed Hundt, who has been looking for a good
         reason to stop the proposed digital television standard.
         He's quite cranky about being forced to "enshrine in
         law" any kind of technical standard in the midst of such
         rapid innovation.

         "The Grand Alliance was a creation of the broadcasting
         industry, the primary purpose of which was to make sure
         they could get the spectrum" for free, says Hundt. "It's
         not widely reported that way, but that's my opinion."

         In addition, Hundt says, plenty of industries are not
         buying into the standard already. "I got a letter from
         Kodak saying, don't do this. I got a letter from Steven
         Spielberg saying don't do this. Bill Gates came in and
         said that the standard we've tentatively adopted isn't
         the standard that the computer industry would like --
         that it needs progressive scanning.

         "It's not an industry consensus if only broadcasters and
         manufacturers agree."

         Hundt believes the various industries can come up with
         an open, nonproprietary standard for digital television
         that works for everyone, without the FCC mandating a
         standard now.

         Whether or not this happens, Hundt wants to stop short
         of mandating a standard now.

         "If there isn't an adequate business plan that addresses
         reaching PCs and using the power of the digital
         technology," says Hundt, "the real tragedy is that no
         one will be able to use the spectrum well.

         "It's the most valuable spectrum that exists on the
         planet -- it's like Manhattan. I'm willing to give it
         away for a necklace, but I'd like to build Manhattan on
         it, not dairy farms."

                Copyright 1996 The New York Times Company


Note, movies are shot at 24 frames per sec. (though sometimes tv movies are
shot at 30 fps), but that error doesn't change the argument any. FYI,
television is 59.94 interlaced _fields_ per second, or 29.97 frames per
second. The proposed HDTV GA standards essentially keep this obsolete
frequency pair, which causes flicker, among other artifacts.

At 60 frames per second progressively scanned, the picture is virtually
artifact free -- it looks like a 35 mm slide that MOVES! And it can be
displayed on any of 30-40 million exisiting S-VGA monitors that are already
out there -- no new sets have to be manufactured to hit the ground running.

Adopting a progressive standard would kick start HDTV and put it in the
computer industry's hands. Furthermore progressive is easier to compress
than interlace, facilitating transmission and storage. Adopting an
interlaced standard would probably retard HDTV, which may be exactly what
the broadcasters want so they could use their spectrum for data services in
the "interim."

Richard Solomon

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