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IP: CNet Story on B92

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 1996 06:18:17 -0500

               Belgrade radio turns to
               By Janet Kornblum and Courtney Macavinta
               December 5, 1996, 4:30 p.m. PT 

                        In a quick move to protect freedom of
               speech, Progressive Networks' Real Audio began
               hosting an independent Belgrade Radio B92
               station over the Net this evening after the Serbian
               government had the station pulled off the air. 

               Although Radio B92 was taken off the air, its Web
               site is still up and running on three Real Audio
               ", and

               Yesterday, Joe Follansbee, a Real Audio special
               projects editor, heard the radio station had Real
               Audio clips. Company executives decided to get
               behind B92 and promised to have broadcasts by 5
               p.m. today. 

               "This company is committed to free speech," he
               said. "We wanted to support B92." 

               The station's own Web site is also still up and
               running. Its opening screen banners an urgent
               message stating that "Radio B92 is in danger!" 

               B92, which has won awards for anti-war
               engagement and other projects in the domain of
               culture and communications, is yet another
               example of an oppressed community discovering
               the democratic powers of the Internet. First
               attracting worldwide attention with the Chinese
               pro-democracy movement in 1989, the Net is
               being used increasingly by dissidents from all parts
               of the political spectrum. 

               Users can look at press releases on the radio's site
               from the B92 station manager and listen to
               RealAudio recordings in English. A message
               recorded today announces, "This is an urgent
               message to all supporters of radio station B92. At
               1500 hours local time on December 3, 1996, the
               radio lost its frequency and received the following
               letter from the Federal Ministry for Transporting
               Communications for the Federal Republic of

               A female voice reads the letter, which states that
               the station is operating illegally, without a license.
               The letter also is printed on the site. 

               The message concludes: "We please urge you all
               to use the Internet as much as possible and to
               keep in contact with Radio B92. Thank you." 

               The first press release on the site, dated
               November 27, details how the radio was taken off
               the air four times "during its regular reporting on
               the anti-government demonstrations in Belgrade,
               which have lasted for several days now." 

               "Demonstrations are being organised by the
               democratic opposition, dissatisfied with the results
               on local elections being cancelled by the regime,"
               states the release, signed by Veran Matic, editor in
               chief of the station. "The regime is trying to prevent
               its electoral defeat in major cities of Serbia--which
               is the first factual defeat of the Slobodan
               Milosevic's regime since 1987." 

               "Radio B92 is a single independent electronic
               medium in Belgrade, which is continually reporting
               on actual events, and it operates [sic] for 7 years
               now without an official licence," it states. 

               "It is obvious that this is a direct threat and an
               introduction to a final ban of the B92," according
               to the statement. "This radio has so far been the
               best, most reliable, and professional source of
               information for both the citizens of Belgrade and
               foreign correspondents based in FR Yugoslavia.
               Should it be banned, this would mean a huge blow
               for democratic processes in Serbia and an obvious
               undermining of all the principles that the Dayton
               Agreement stands for."

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