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Re: Honeywall CDROM Roadmap ... HoneyWall

From: Lance Spitzner <lance () honeynet org>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:07:05 -0600

Replying to two emails in one shot here :)

How do you mean 'distributed deployment, management...'?  It would be
enlightening to see any design discussion or whitepapers that may
exist.  Are database schema changes in the works?  Source code?  svn?

Troy, nope, nothing so sexy yet. The design team is focusing on project managent issues right now, primarily detailed requiements and breaking them down into manageable chunks. Having fully distributed capabilities is more difficult then the current standalone design, as we are learning, and most likely will not be done all in one single release. :)

I use the tools of Honeynet with excelent results, thank you for your work. I am in the process of development of a variant of the Honeywall that works
with only one network interface card and includes functionality of low
interaction honeypot without using virtual machine.

HoneyWall + Low Interaction Honeypot in the same system.

This variant will include a new installation mode. If this new mode is not selected in the installation process the HoneyWall still works as in bridge

If the Honeynet team is interested in including the new mode in the main branch of HoneyWall I am willing to provide my work and work together with
you to finish it. Please tell me if you are interested.

Nelson, sounds very cool! The best place to start is <project () honeynet org>. However, right now is unfortunately bad timeing for integrating any major changes. Not only would we have to integrate and test the changes and update documenation but we would have to make sure we could support it in the future. We have the new 1.1 release coming very soon, its in final testing stages. Some additional suggestions would be

- Create your own page detailing your ideas and code. We would be thrilled to link to it so other people could try it out. - We will have all the Honeywall source code accessible through SVN soon. That may make it easier for any integration or changes. - Another idea we are seriously considering is a RPM repository for the Honeywall CDROM that, while not supported, could allow for 3rd party add-ons.



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