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Re: Honey Pot Creation

From: Hugo Francisco González Robledo <hugo.gonzalez () itslp edu mx>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 20:20:48 -0500

Hi ..

Ok, you know how to make honeywall, but the honeypot you have 2 ways ..

you can use honeyd ... like brazilian team, to log activity without more
work, or nephentes or some other program that EMULATE services.

In the other hand, you can use your prefer Operating System, like linux
or windows, especially some old version, like windows XP without service
packs or Red Hat 9.0 or Suse 9.0. Its because it likes more easy to
Of course you must install sebek in the honeypot to have some monitoring

You must install some "atractive" service on that operating system, like
IIS that you know is vulnerable, or Sendmail on linux, or another
application that the atacker could interested on.


On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 11:24:17PM +0530, Dev Anand wrote:
Hi All,

Can somebody point me in the right direction on how to create honeypots .

I have read the online manual of roo from honeynet.org which gives
information only about honeywalls .

Kindly excuse my newbie question as am just learning these things .

Thanks in advance for the replies


Hugo Francisco González Robledo
Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí

Llave pública en http://www.honeynet.org.mx
Llave pública en http://ardilla.zapto.org

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