Honeypots mailing list archives

Re: Undergraduate student Research topic about the Honeypots or Honeynet

From: Marc Dacier <marc.dacier () eurecom fr>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 09:17:13 +0100

we have deployed low interaction honeypots, based on honeyd, in various countries all over the world. We collect all packets (including payloads) sent to or from these machines. We centralize all the data in an SQL DB. We use these data to profile the threats. You can use that data set for your work if you wish, no need to reinvent the wheel.

Everyone interested can join this project. The only requirement is to help the whole group to acquire more data. Thus, you just need to dedicate one old PC and 4 routable IP addresses. We'll send you a CD ROM which will automagically install all the required software. You'll need to sign a NDA where you'll commit not to reveal the names of the others participants. Then you'll get access to the whole DB by means of a secure connection (https). The web interface will enable you to run predefined queries or whatever SQL requests you are eager to.

You can find more about the DB and the preliminary results obtained by reading our publications. Some of them are available on line at the following URL:

http://www.eurecom.fr/~pouget/papers.htm   (section Papers).

I hope this helps.

PS: we have platforms in 15 different countries (5 continents) but none in Hong Kong so far. We'll be delighted to see you joining :-)

At 14:05 13/11/2004, Alan Chung wrote:

Hi all,

I am bachelor degree final year student.
I am interesting in network security, and my final year project will working about Honeypots or Honeynet.

My final year project topic is "Profiling Security Threats with Honeypots"

The project plan is deploy a centralized database to collect the data and design user interface. Then using the user interface to summarize, profiling and report the threats.

But I have few confuse about my topic. Because my topic may be across two topics in the honeynet project recommend project topics list, they are "Profiling" and "Honeynet Phase IV". I am first time to doing a research, so I afraid that my topic can it working with this two topics. And I don't my topic can work or not.

I am very interesting in working with you and learning more about this area.

Thanks !

Alan. ~^_^~

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