Honeypots mailing list archives

Anyone using their honeypots to learn about spambot protocols?

From: John Draper <lists () webcrunchers com>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:51:10 -0800

I FINALLY acquired a machine and connectivity to setup a PC WinBlows honeypot,
and a large selection of IP blocks I can stick it on.

One of my first ideas is to deliberately infect it, and sniff the network to watch what kinds of traffic flys over the net, and hope to acquire enough information to learn about the protocols of the TCPIP and UDP connections between
the infected machine what whoever or whatever tries to control it.

Has anyone on this list done this yet? Can a well configured sniffer obtain enough information to learn and obtain a Snort attack signature which can detect this?

I also heard it's possible to detect the 'knock knock' protocol now in use by some spam trojans. These are specially crafted pings that in effect can "wake up" sleeping trojans previously undetectable by scanning software. I'm just learning of the new
Snort features that might make this possible.

If anyone wants to share info with me, please contact me...


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