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Re: But Facebook are not spammers [was: And Facebook sells user data, too ...]

From: der Mouse <mouse () rodents-montreal org>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 19:58:02 -0400 (EDT)

And the main issue you have a problem with is bulk, right?

Not really; that's just the point we disagree on.  Solicited bulk I
have no issues with.

Please help me here with how an action taken by an individual user
typing in emails is bulk?

I don't believe that's all that's going on here.  Unless Facebook
attracts people using MUAs with a "send to my entire address book and
everything you can find in my mailbox" button and too little sense to
realize when it's inappropriate to use it.

Gmail does it.  Yahoo does it.  CNN does it.
I find it interesting that two of the three organizations you cite
as justification for your position are ones I've had to block in
toto because of blatant, egregious, and repeated abuse issues.
Citing them in support of your argument is pretty close to an own
goal, in my opinion.
They are not a justification, they are an illustrative example, see

Still seems like an own goal.  They are very illustrative indeed - of
how abusive a mailer can be.

And here is the point, was the abuse done by them, or by their users?

By them.  In the case of Yahoo, the final straw for me was once when I
report4ed a spam drop-box webpage they were hosting; they replied with
a "this mail wasn't sent through us" boilerplate, which of course was
true but irrelevant.  I wrote back pointing this out and get the same
response.  I cut everything - spam, previous correspondence, and all,
and wrote a little two-line mail asking something like "is there anyone
human alive ther?" and got THE SAME BLOODY BOILERPLATE BACK.

Removing of course the fact that Gmail hides IP addresses.

Why removing that?  That's the first strike against gmail: they make it
impossible to, for example, refuse all webmail from
INTELSAT-CUST-VIENNA-TECHNOLOGIES-NG (to name just one of the eight or
so netblocks that I do not want any webmail from, ever) without
refusing all gmail webmail.  For a long time that's all I did - but
then Google (through the Google Groups brand, but I see little point in
drawing a distinction between one of Google's faces and another)
started spamming me.  I've got the full story up at

Hey, it's not Facebook's fault nobody likes you enough to invite you. :P

Heh.  There's a Facebook group "campaign to get der Mouse on Facebook"
or some such.

I get their stuff through mailing lists and occasionally to alternative
addresses such as my one.  I don't know why I don't get
their spam direct; maybe back when I was still bothering to complain
about spam I sent them a complaint and they added me to their
remove-list?  I don't find their "please sign up" line in any of my
saved "spam and spam complaints" mail, which makes that unlikely (I
generally save complained-about spam, and the complaints, there), but I
also can't account for it any other way - I looked for any reason to
think my private blocking mechanisms were responsible and found none.

/~\ The ASCII                             Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
 X  Against HTML                mouse () rodents-montreal org
/ \ Email!           7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B
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