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RE: Point of No Return? Microsoft Says Recovery from Mal ware Becoming Impo ssible

From: Nick FitzGerald <nick () virus-l demon co uk>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 09:29:37 +1200

Blanchard_Michael () emc com wrote:

  So lets say in a publicly archived e-mail list that the patent office
reads every day, I mention an idea for a new and great widget.  Later
today I decide that my idea is truly unique and I want to spend the  money
(couple thousand USD basically) to get a patent for it.  I would be denied
that patent just because I mentioned the idea publicly?  Even though it
was truely my idea, I would still be denied the patent?

That is my understanding.  A patent is a form of IP protection for a 
novel invention.  As I understand it, if the idea has been "published" 
before a patent is applied for, then it is not, by definition, novel at 
the time of patent application so is unpatentable.  It is not the 
patent office's job to decide whether your _publishing_ an idea was a 
novel act, just that the invention described in your application is 
novel and patentable.

However, IANAL and I don't live or work in the US legal system...


Nick FitzGerald

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