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Re: IDS vs Application Proxy Firewal

From: Omar Herrera <oherrera () prodigy net mx>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 10:39:38 -0600

Damiano Bolzoni escribió:
alfredhuger () winterhope com wrote:

Hopefully the open
source community will dig in and fix this for everyone else so they
can profit on it.

anomaly-based IDSs (let's consider the whole family, not just WAFs) have
been studied for a decade now and, apart for few isolated attempts, I
haven't seen any significant result neither from the open-source
community nor from commercial vendors.
Most vendors claim anomaly-detection features for their products because
they monitor behaviours within the network (mainly related to number of
connections per time frame etc.). Open-source tools such as Psyche can
do the same. Those approaches have been refined and work well enough to
be incorporated in commercial products, but definitely miss a lot of bad
things out there.
To detect attacks at payload-level (e.g., buffer overflow or SQL
Injection attacks), which are the nasty ones, you need to research a lot
before having something that works. I believe that those who make good
research on this topic are not going to release any stable version of
their POC tools, simply because they do not have time/interest to
develop something as complex as Snort (because that's the quality
standard nowadays).
Damiano and Alfred,

Anomaly detection in the end is still a form of blacklisting. Even if
you use general patterns instead of specific ones, you are still doing a
match against activity that is known to be bad (or unusual at least). It
does give flexibility over fixed pattern black listing but tends to
introduce higher false postive rates as well. No research will make
anomaly detection a better alternative than white lists (from an
effectiveness point of view), and in my opinion the lack of 
breakthroughs in this area is not a reason for surprise, but rather a
logical consequence of the nature of the approach.

Anomaly detection is still affected by the same factors that affect
blacklisting: lack of context information and lack of trusted
information from supporting infrastructure. The later may be fixed in
the future (e.g. with things like an application hierarchical signing
standard that gets widely adopted), but the first one is what makes the
big difference between white listing and blacklisting. For example, you
can't blacklist out-of-the-box things like http traffic. But businesses
and individuals might know when and where to is http traffic a
legitimate business transaction and thus create a whitelist that blocks
everything else. Within http traffic you can't block all requests, but
businesses and individuals might know the characteristics of good inputs
and outputs and filter accordingly. While we are not touching the
technical details of specific attacks in these examples, this is the
path that the stealthier, better prepared and more targeted criminals
are following.

You see a process trying to establish a http connection from a
workstation. Would you allow it? Using only a black list or anomaly
detection approach:
- A nIPS won't even know what process opened it, so all it can rely on
is structure of the network traffic and network information (e.g. IP
addresses). If payload is encoded or encrypted it is highly unlikely
that it will bad things consistently while maintaining a los false
positive rate.
- An hIPS might know the process if it relies on the information and
techniques provided and allowed by the underlying operating system, it
might  block it or not depending on a pattern  (e.g. packet rate,
location of the executable file, its size, patterns in the payload).
Look around and see how many applications and processes establish an
http connection these days in a regular workstation just to see if there
are updates available, also difficult to maintain a good balance of
false positives and negatives.
- nIDS and hIDS will have the same problems to alert on anything wrong
as their preventive counterparts.
- An application level firewall will essentially suffer the same as
nIPS/hIPS, even if it looks at more detail and at upper layers (lack of
context information is independent of the layer or depth of technical

Sure, some anomaly detection devices try to learn from the environment
what is good and bad. In practice you will get only information on what
is significantly (e.g. statistically) different from the point where you
took your measures. Bad things that happened at the time of measurement
might be legitimized, new good things might be marked as bad. Most of
the companies do changes to their network and applications all the time
and many individuals install new applications frequently, and at the
same time perform some legitimate tasks very infrequently. Under these
circumstances, letting an application guess what is good or bad and
expecting good results is not going to be effective. If you clean your
environment and make sure only good thinks are working at the time you
run a learning algorithm you are essentially doing some sort of white
list anyway.

But if white lists were the solution in this imperfect world we wouldn't
be discussing this. The truth is that with current technologies,
whitelisting tools fail at gathering context information from people
(and you end with grandma trying to tell if xyw.dll creating a network
connection is good or bad). Also, you have IT departments that don't
even know what applications are installed and running, let alone what
network traffic is legitimate. We rely on black lists and anomaly
detection to outsource the painful function of white listing ourselves
because we don't have the time, the resources or the knowledge to do it
ourselves,  or simply because we don't feel it is necessary. We still
believe that putting one of these devices in front of our application
server is better than implementing security properly in our applications
(or demanding vendors to do so for that matter). Grandma may still need
all those balck listing products  products (e.g. antimalware), that's
probably the best she'll get. But a company with full sized IT and
Security departments has no excuse to not white list these days in my
opinion (save for the lack of better tools; whitelisting today is still
primitive with many products).

Our culture isn't changing, on the contrary, we are still on the path of
full automatization. Unfortunately, criminals are changing and they are
proving us wrong already. Sure, we can catch many forms of buffer
overflows, XSS and SQL injections these days, but what good does that if
criminals see that it is easier now to get information  through other
means and change their tactics. What prevents these days criminal and
employees from committing fraud? I bet that guys like Kerviel didn't set
off any alarms in any IPS/IDS or Application firewall. We still treat
fraud as a different animal (maybe because it is not as cool as buffer
overflows, SQL injections and all technical stuff?) but this is the kind
of activity that is starting to cause a lot of harm. If security
controls within applications or white lists within IPS/IDS and
Application firewalls would include filters to allow only good business
behavior, we might see a huge improvement. And no, we won't forget about
technical attacks; if you need only a 12 digit number in that web
application field, then restricting the input to that should be more
effective and efficient than trying to catch all possible buffer
overflows, XSS, and SQL injection attacks on it.

Bottom line: We don't need a technical revolution to improve things with
IDS/IPS and Application firewalls; it won't happen. The tools to add
white lists are already there in many products (even if they are
somewhat limited), we just need to learn how to use them properly and
start using them, so that we can improve security significantly by
adding context information from a reliable source (business). But for
that we need to change our way of thinking and approaching security,
just like many criminals already have.

Just my opinion, no hard feelings with technical guys ;-)

Omar Herrera

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