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RE: Email reputation for inout to IDSs?

From: "Bourque Daniel" <Daniel.Bourque () loto-quebec com>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:00:27 -0500

Look at TrustedSource 

-----Message d'origine-----
De : listbounce () securityfocus com [mailto:listbounce () securityfocus com] De la part de Tremaine Lea
Envoyé : 25 novembre 2008 20:32
À : Sanjay R
Cc : Gautam Singaraju; focus-ids () securityfocus com
Objet : Re: Email reputation for inout to IDSs?

Hi Sanjay,

Conversely to your point, IP addresses/email addresses that have poor
reputations due to being a source of UCE/UBE go under heightened
scrutiny or may be blocked based on the implementers policy/preference
for other protocols.

There are a few IPS/IDS solutions out there utilizing email reputation
as part of their solutions, and they primarily get their strength from a
centralized managed db on the part of the vendor supplying the solution.



Tremaine Lea
Network Security Consultant
Intrepid ACL
Paranoia for hire

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. -
Ernest Hemingway
On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 21:09 +0530, Sanjay R wrote:
Hi Gautam:
My general feeling towards the reputation system is "It is not a
security mechanism" and it should be proven either by me or by someone
else in more formal words/way.
now let us take the scenario that you posed. each email has a
reputaion value associated with it (magically!!) and IDS should scan
it based on its reputaion value (in this way, we are anyway defeating
the very purpose of having IDS). First thing is " what are parameters
to be used in calculating reputaion?" Another thing is: You must be
knowing that a virus/worm spread quite randomly (loosly speaking) and
many emails infacted by a new virus will be having high reputaion
values and therefore, bypass the IDS ( a case of false negative).
Let me know if you are not convinced or I have missed something in your views.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:14 AM, Gautam Singaraju
<gautam.singaraju () gmail com> wrote:



On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Gautam Singaraju
<gautam.singaraju () gmail com> wrote:
Hi Sanjay,

I have a hearsay that some commercial products are in fact attempting
this. I understand that inputs from IDSs are being used to 'refine'
email reputation and vice-versa; though I have not seen any numbers
that attempt these.

The idea is that: IDSs can monitor connections from those senders
closely depending on the reputation (reputation 80 to 100: basic
checks; 50-80 moderate checks; less than 50 extensive checks). The
number of classes and boundaries could be variable. In comparison,
blacklist is just "good/bad".

I want to test this theory that email reputation could be useful in
more mechanisms that just classifying emails.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Sanjay R <2sanjayr () gmail com> wrote:
Hi Gautam,
Can you please mention those references that have tried to incorporate
email reputation systems into an IDS? To me, it appears that this type
of solutions are more close to creating a "black-list" rather than
core functionality of IDS i.e detecting an attack (malicious


On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Gautam Singaraju
<gautam.singaraju () gmail com> wrote:

I have been working in email reputation system that has computed
sender reputations for over an year. I believe that there are couple
of efforts to incorporate email reputations into IDSs. Is someone in
the group working on this? Are there any IDSs which can be configured
to perform extensive analysis for non-reputable senders? I would be
interested in sharing this data with other researchers in the group.


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