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Re: Spam (or, how to buy Cheap Korean Cellphones :-)

From: Devdas Bhagat <devdas () dvb homelinux org>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 02:11:03 +0530

On 05/02/04 22:54 -0500, Rod Gilchrist wrote:
Then you need to add two tweaks....

      1) Relax identity far enough to make it practical
      2) Fix revocation
Keeping the additional requirements:

1> It has to be cheap (ideally free) for the single end user (something
like 1 USD/year might be acceptable).
2> It has to be a part of the ESMTP transaction. Once you have gone past
data, there is not much meaning in rejecting mail. 
3> It has to scale up to hundreds of mails per minute. Think large
4> It has to be cheap for the large listservs. I would hate it if
good mailing lists were to disappear.
5> It has to work on systems with expensive network links (read, cheap
on network usage).
6> It has to work on servers with really low end CPUs.

Go find a solution :).

If I recall, revocation lists were the best reason given for not 
but at the end of the day SPAM has gotta be an identity fix, so may 
as well
meet it head on.  I read this as yet another data supporting my 
belief that
cert folks have trouble recognizing Users when they see them.

Without revocation, the first Exchange overflow would break the entire

o  Revocation is necessary, but throwing up the collective PKS hands 
isn't the way to address it.  Fix identity, fix spam.  A problem with 
efforts to fix identity, imho, is that folks try to boil the damn 
ocean when the task is to make a nice cup of tea,,,

Cert folks:  Revocation is a problem?  Fix it!!  Don't make me come 
down there and do it myself, I'll be so cross! ;-)

There are a couple of straight forward fixes for revocation.

You only get into deep trouble if you adopt the whole set of 
assumptions behind PKI. PKI is a
general solution that is intended to work over long (i.e. infinite) 
periods of time. Relax that set
of assumptions and revocation is solvable.

For email identity all you need is a key pair that's valid long enough 
for email to arrive at its
destination. A much easier problem than what PKI's revocation attempts 
to solve.

Anyone else see - if in fact this is the right forum - any solution 
to spam that doesn't involve fixing the identity problem?

There's the actual question for the list:  If it ain't ID, what *is* 
the shape of the solution?

Yes identity is the first and most basic issue. But almost everyone 
gets hung up on perfect
identity as per PKI (i.e. individual identity right down to name, 
address and social insurance number).

You don't really need that at all to fix spam.

For spam its enough to be labeled as 'an AOL user whose mail mail is 
subject to AOL's terms of use that
require that the user never send more that 100 emails in an hour and 
that AOL has taken effective
action to enforce that behavior'.

 From an email MTA's point of view that translates to 'a message that is 
signed by the mail source that
has public key 'X' and whose past behavior I see from reputation store 
'Y' rarely includes spamming
should be passed on without passing though my aggressive spam filter'.
Right. Now put all this in the ESMTP envelop please. And no, I don't
have the CPU to spare for doing CPU intensive stuff.
Where I am coming from is this:
People are cheap. Hardware is expensive. Network traffic is even more
To give an idea of the numbers:
Cost of one entry level server == cost of a programmer for 3 to 7 months.

So what's going to do spam in? I think a solution is coming. There are 
at least three separate solutions out there that have relaxed identity 
into the practical realm; SMPTi, 'Sender Permitted From' and 'Domain
Keys' (Google can fill in the details of all of these). The first two 
use IP addresses as identity, which has serious limitations when 
messages are relayed (which is kind of basic in SMTP). Domain Keys
(from Yahoo) on the other hand is a home run.
Please take care to update RFC 2821, not RFC 2822.

With Domain Keys, the owner of a DNS domain generates a public/private 
key pair, signs all email messages originating (via SMTP extension
headers) in that domain with the private key and publishes
the public key via DNS. Since the publishing mechanism is out of band 
with respect to SMPT, no changes are required to the SMPT protocol.
So my SMTP server now needs to retrieve keys from DNS, do some complex
mathematics, grab the whole email and then possibly reject the mail.
Putting a million dollar safe to protect a hundred dollar note is not a
good solution.

Details haven't been published yet, but revocation could be handled by 
publishing two public keys via DNS (old and new) and a few days after 
the last email signed with the old key was sent, trashing the old key.

So basically, Chris's grandmother doesn't need to get a certificate; 
her ISP worries about the key pair and bounces all the email she sends
that's addressed to all 115 of her grandchildren at the

Assuming it goes to her ISPs SMTP server.
What about a spammer using a proxy with a valid key?

1> The problem is with consent, not content. Everything after the data
phase in the SMTP transaction is, IMHO, content.
2> The spammers today have far more resources than any given individual.

same time. People publishing news letters need to be savvy enough to 
generate a public/private key pair for their own mailer. And nobody 
pays Verisign...

If your private key gets stolen, your reputation (as measured by a 
DCC-like reputation server) gets trashed and you need to make a new
key pair and start building a reputation again.
And how hard is it to poison a DCC like system?

So, we're winning I think. Much further ahead than last year.
Well, I hope it works. Until then, I will stick to using DNSBLs and
whitelisting legitimate senders so that I don't do excessive DNSBL

Devdas Bhagat
firewall-wizards mailing list
firewall-wizards () honor icsalabs com

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