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Re: Firewalls/Internet Security - TNG

From: Fred Donck <f.c.w.donck () siep shell com>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:39:57 +0100

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:

Where next? I think that for security products to succeed, and for
network/system management products to succeed, the two must
become one. System and network management are already huge
markets -- sooner or later one of two things will happen:
        -> heterogenous products for system/network management
                will appear, and will incorporate security as a component

        -> heterogenous networks will disappear and be replaced
                with networks all running products from Microsoft and
                Microsoft will 'fix' security when they get around to it
                or it'll be a 3rd party add-on for Windows-2000

Looking at how the company I work for acts....
It's going for wall2wall M$ products.
From desktop to NT boxes out in the open with so-call M$-firewall products
on them.
Unfortunately this showes that Marcus is right. Signs are there !!

This scares me.

Just my $0.02,

Marcus J. Ranum, CEO, Network Flight Recorder, Inc.
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+------------------- My opinions are my own ---------------------------+
| Fred Donck                   | Voice/Fax : +31-70-311-2374           |
| Unix System Engineer         | E-mail    : fred () RealIT com (private) |
|                              |  f.c.w.donck () siep shell com (work)    |
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