Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Retiree email

From: "Fugett, Julie C" <jcf () KU EDU>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:24:21 +0000

We allow retirees and emeriti faculty to keep email for life.

  1.  Do you keep them in your primary email system/tenant (Exchange, O365, GSuite, etc)?
     *   Main M365 tenant
  2.  If you keep them in your primary system/tenant, do you require them to use MFA (assuming you require it for your 
active community)?
     *   Once a person flips to retiree status, they drop out of the MFA group so it is no longer retired. I would like 
to change this.
  3.  Do you change their address, i.e. add "emeritus" or "retiree" to the email domain?
     *   No.

From: The EDUCAUSE Security Community Group Listserv <SECURITY () LISTSERV EDUCAUSE EDU> On Behalf Of Boyd, Daniel
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 10:19 AM
Subject: [SECURITY] Retiree email

For those of you who provide retirees email (if anyone else is crazy enough to do so besides us), I have some questions:

  1.  Do you keep them in your primary email system/tenant (Exchange, O365, GSuite, etc)?
  2.  If you keep them in your primary system/tenant, do you require them to use MFA (assuming you require it for your 
active community)?
  3.  Do you change their address, i.e. add "emeritus" or "retiree" to the email domain?

We're getting to the point where we are about to activate MFA on retirees and emerita and the apprehension of trying to 
teach some of these users how to use MFA has our support teams on pins and needles, so we're looking for alternatives.

You are welcome to reply directly to me or to the list.



Daniel H. Boyd (94C)
Director of Information Security
Office of Information Technology
Information Security Advisory Group Chair
Berry College
Phone: 706-236-1750

There are two rules to follow concerning your account passwords:
2. If unsure, consult rule #1

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would like to know more about please let me know using any of my contact information above.

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