Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Peeling off desktop Administrator Rights

From: "Stanclift, Michael" <michael.stanclift () ROCKHURST EDU>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 08:45:07 -0600

I think you also need to look at the amount of damage that can be done in the time period where a user with 
administrative access disables anti-virus to install something, or even where the AV client doesn't detect it and the 
user isn't aware enough to see what has happened. A few years ago, the malware was about annoying the user or deleting 
files, but as it has changed to becoming a security breach where data can be stolen. It seems like we should be 
fighting to do everything in our power to prevent this from happening, even if it means it's more difficult for the 
user and IT.

Michael Stanclift
Network Analyst
Rockhurst University
(816) 501-4231

PThink before you print!
From: The EDUCAUSE Security Constituent Group Listserv [SECURITY () LISTSERV EDUCAUSE EDU] On Behalf Of randy marchany 
[marchany () VT EDU]
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [SECURITY] Peeling off desktop Administrator Rights

It's been very interesting to see the different scenarios that you
guys have for delegating some priv set to general users. But, IMHO,
all of these don't address the real issue: how long does it take for a
general user to get a software package installed on their desktop if
you don't allow them to do it themselves? Hours? Days? Weeks?

As a long time sysadmin (25+ years) I've beginning to think that we
(sysadmins) are more of the problem than the users because we set up
environments that make address OUR needs/likes and not so much the
user requirements. That model dooms a site to failure, I think.  The
"original" purpose of these restrictions was to prevent users from
downloading malware/trojans  that were embedded in "cute" programs
like aquarium backgrounds, etc. So, the sysadmin in me says "no, no,
no, you can't do that" but we never built an efficient mechanism to
allow a user to download what THEY need to do THEIR job.  I know one
of the reasons why I went down this path was because there was only 1
of me and 10K users. 2 events would overwhelm my response
capabilities. The attack vectors have changed. Now, malware gets
inserted on a desktop without any active user intervention other than
surfing the www and having malware downloaded to their desktop which
is the very thing we tried to prevent with our "no local admin
rights". So, are we going to ban www surfing? Doesn't that impact the
business process? Imagine if we sysadmins aren't allowed to surf sites
like sourceforge, packetstormsecurity, etc. If that happens, then our
job becomes much more difficult.

 I look at some depts here on campus who let their users install
whatever software they want and I don't see any significant increase
in bad events happening in those environments. This leads to me
question how effective was the user ban?

That's why I'm curious to see how long it takes from the time a user
requests a software package to be installed on their desktop to the
time it actually gets installed. I think you'll see what I'm talking
about when we look at the responses.


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