Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

APB for a Volunteer Grant Writer

From: Melissa Guenther <mguenther () COX NET>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 09:37:08 -0700

Good day all

I am writing individuals in my address book that may know of someone that is
skilled in writing Grants.  My sister monica and her husband bought property
in Roatan, an island in the Honduras.  Monica is an RN and Steve a Financial
Advisor.  They have taken their professional skills and are trying to help
the clinic there.  Attaching the clinics website address

The activities they have assisted with span a wide range of services - from
making house calls and sorting out the pills in the clinic (Monica) to
writing a Business plan (steve)

In order to help the clinic, they need to raise funds.  That is what spurred
me on to writing this email.

Does anyone know of anyone that may have experience in Grant writing?  It
would need to be on a Volunteer basis, but you never know what comes of
those types of things.

Please feel free to pass this request on to anyone you may know.  Bonnie, I
thought of Patrice Caldwell, but do not have her current email.  If you do,
can you please forward it on?

I wish you all health and good fortune in the New Year - and the strength to
get past the bumps that occur : )


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