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Re: 0-day exploit for Internet Explorer in the wild

From: Gregory N Pendergast/AC/VCU <gnpendergast () VCU EDU>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:42:59 -0500

Internet Storm Center is now indicating that Server 2008 and Vista
(including SP1) are affected, and that use of the exploit is becoming more
wide spread.

Microsoft has also weighed in now:

As for my statement about "realistic" mitigations, that was
unintentionally myopic on my part. I have no way to deploy the potential
mitigations you described, and doing so in a way that would not cause a
general uprising would be time-prohibitive. In regard to DEP specifically,
enabling that is known to break some legitimate plug-ins, which is why
Microsoft turns it off by default.

Greg Pendergast
Information Security Analyst
Virginia Commonwealth University

Curt Wilson <curtw () SIU EDU>
Sent by: The EDUCAUSE Security Constituent Group Listserv
12/10/2008 04:45 PM
Please respond to
The EDUCAUSE Security Constituent Group Listserv


Re: [SECURITY] 0-day exploit for Internet Explorer in the wild

Gregory N Pendergast/AC/VCU wrote:
BreakingPoint Labs has a good analysis of the exploit:

Unfortunately, I haven't yet seen any mention of realistic mitigations.

Greg Pendergast
Information Security Analyst
Virginia Commonwealth University

What does 'realistic' mean in this context?

I have not personally tested, however the article mentions manually
enabling DEP for platforms where DEP is opt-in. In the limited attack I
know of so far from the .cn sites, I'm guessing that if the end-stage
binary is not constantly changing or packed with a difficult to handle
packer, AV coverage might be present although again I have not tested.
Of course, that's an after-the-fact and not what you specifically asked

There was a presentation at 2008 BlackHat Las Vegas I believe on
stopping heap spraying attacks, but I'm not sure of the practical
details or implementation.

As far as I can tell, the old standby of "disabling active scripting"
should work. On campus, I recommend people tweak the security zones in
IE, use trusted sites (with active scripting) only when necessary for
internal and/or trusted hosts, disable active scripting elsewhere in IE,
and use another browser for generic web surfing. (firefox + NoScript for
instance). Probably not "realistic" though except for the people that
care enough already.

I am assuming that Vista is not specifically at risk, but I don't know
for a fact. Anyone else know?


Curt Wilson
SIUC IT Security Officer & Security Engineer

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