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Registration Now Open for University of Virginia and SANS 537 Identifying and Removing Malware 1-day course September 24, 2008

From: "Peterman, Martin (mdp4s)" <mdp4s () ESERVICES VIRGINIA EDU>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 10:20:20 -0400

Registration is now open for the SANS SEC537 Identifying and Removing Malware
1 day course hosted by the University of Virginia September 24, 2008.

Highlights of the event follow. You will find additional information and may
register at
Questions should be directed to sans-uva () virginia edu<mailto:sans-uva () virginia edu>.

Date/Time: Wednesday September 24th; 9am to 5pm

Registration Fee: Employees of accredited educational institutions (Higher Education, K-12 schools,
and other accredited educational institutions) state and local law enforcement agencies,
and state and local governments qualify for the substantially discounted fee of $325.
The course fee for all others is $1,264.

Registration Deadline: August 25, 2008

** In addition to the course, the registration fee includes daily parking, lunch
and refreshments, and all course materials".**

Course: SANS "SECURITY 537 Identifying and Removing Malware"

In today's world it is critical to understand malicious code, including
viruses, worms, trojans, and rootkits, by learning how to identify
and remove them from a live system.  This course discusses the
essential tools and techniques for examining a system and looking
for malware, using a variety of tools and techniques. We'll look at
Graphical and Command line built-in tools of Microsoft Windows
and external free tools, that will make you able to stop the infection
and remove the malware from the system.

Who Should Attend:

System administrators and security personnel. Members and leaders
of incident handling teams. Anyone involved in Incident Response, and
security professionals who want to fill the gaps in their understanding of
identifying and removing malware.

Outline and Topics

    * What's New in the Malware World?
    * Basic Microsoft Windows CLI Tools
    * Advanced Microsoft Windows CLI Tools - WMIC
    * Windows Basic GUI tools
    * HijackThis Tool
    * Microsoft Sysinternals Tools
    * ADS - Alternate Data Streams
    * Rootkits and Anti-Rootkits
    * Network Based Malware Traces
    * Online Help - Malware Behaviors
    * More information on Security 537: Identifying and Removing Malware

Dr. Eric Cole, Ph.D. - SANS Technology Institute (Fellow)

Dr. Eric Cole is an industry recognized security expert, with over 15 year's
hands-on experience. Dr. Cole currently performs leading edge security
consulting and works in research and development to advance the state
of the art in information systems security. Dr. Cole has experience in
information technology, with a focus on perimeter defense, secure network
design, vulnerability discovery, penetration testing, and intrusion detection
systems. Dr. Cole has a Masters in Computer Science from NYIT, and a Ph.D.
from Pace University with a concentration in Information Security. Dr. Cole
is the author of several books including Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Site,
Network Security Bible and Insider Threat. He is also the inventor of over 20
patents and is a researcher, writer, and speaker. Eric is also a senior scientist
 with Lockheed Martin Information Technology (LMIT) and Lockheed Martin (LM)
fellow. Dr. Cole is actively involved with The SANS Technology Institute (STI) and
SANS working with students, teaching, and maintaining and developing courseware.

I hope to welcome you in Charlottesville in September!

Marty Peterman, CISSP
IT Security and Policy Office
University of Virginia
108 Cresap Road
PO Box 400217
Charlottesville, VA 22904

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