Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Compromised Windows Machine Remediation

From: Gary Dobbins <dobbins () ND EDU>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 16:31:55 -0500

We use an escalating set of repair services.

For students, they are first offered access to repair info via the webpage
(to which they are redirected when trying to surf if they're blocked)

Failing that, the student may contact our Help Desk, who attempt to assist
by phone and/or VNC remote control.  Or, the student may contact an in-dorm
support person (a member of the OIT Residential Computer Assistant program)
who have been trained by OIT and can provide support/remediation on a
best-effort basis.  If HD is unable to resolve and believes special
attention is needed, an OIT staff professional may be dispatched.  Also at
as-available and best-effort level.

When systems are so bad as to be unrepairable by those means, the owners
are referred, either by HD or RCA, to the OIT for-fee service department,
who will do what it takes (incl O/S reinstall with data backup) to repair
the system.

If you follow this route, it's good to be sure students expectations for
support include the possibility of best-effort services being unsuccessful,
resulting in referral to non-free repair services.

Mike Wiseman wrote:

I am interested in hearing about experiences with 'cleaning' user-owned
and managed
computers. When a student laptop/desktop has been blocked from the
network due to
infection, what do they do? Do institutions provide a help desk
environment where the work
is done? or do they provide resources for the student for 'self-help'?
Is the student on
their own to resolve the problems? Is anyone using 'fee-for-service'? If
so, what is the
user guaranteed to receive?

All of the above are used to some extent by departments here. This
September, staff have
been overloaded with repairing laptops. Also, with the implementation of
registration and patch status checking, sometimes the testing involved
will fail on
machines that are badly infected and we want to direct the users



Mike Wiseman
Manager - Computer Security Administration
Computing and Networking Services
University of Toronto

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  Gary Dobbins, CISSP -- Director, Information Security
  University of Notre Dame, Office of Information Technologies

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