BreachExchange: by author

216 messages starting Sep 25 15 and ending Sep 23 15
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Audrey McNeil

Privacy breach at education ministry has similarities to UVic theft of 2012 Audrey McNeil (Sep 25)
Data Breaches, Lawsuits Inescapable, but Liability Can Be Mitigated Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
FTC Sees Potential Liability for Corporate Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Sep 15)
HIPAA limits less than people think Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
Data Breach Plaintiffs Have Standing In Lawsuit Against Neiman Marcus Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
One simple way to ensure the integrity of Health IT Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
Top Five Ways to Increase Your Cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Hacking Team hacked: Leak shows trade in cyberweapons needs to be addressed Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
How much security is enough? Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
Privacy watchdog ICO slashes its fines in half Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
Wyndham Case May Mean Uncertainty for New Payment Providers Audrey McNeil (Sep 18)
Stopping Hackers Job One for Bank CIOs: Survey Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
Higher Education Institutions Increasingly Falling Victim to Cyberattacks Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
Majority of healthcare organizations have recently seen ‘significant’ data security incident Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
InfoSec Spending: Playing Catchup Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
Excellus Faces Breach-Related Lawsuit Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Mid Year 2015 – 78% Of 1,860 Data Breaches The Result of Hacking Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
Everything you need to know about hackers but were too afraid to ask Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
How to protect your company’s bottom line against data breach losses through insurance Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
Nine charged with hacking into newswire services to obtain info prior to it hitting the market Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
CyberCrime: A look into the mind of a hacker Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)
5 Security Holes That Every CIO Should Know About Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
GhostShell Returns with a New Hacking Concept - Dark Hacktivism Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Legal Watch: The Perils of the IoT Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
For healthcare companies, data security is a critical test Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
Cybersecurity Lessons From the Third Circuit's 'Wyndham' Ruling Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Cyber threats loom anew on the Internet of Things Audrey McNeil (Sep 04)
Russian Mega-Hacker Pleads Guilty in Largest U.S. Breach Audrey McNeil (Sep 16)
Another Hack With Another 10 Million Compromised Audrey McNeil (Sep 15)
Ashley Madison's data breach is everyone's problem Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
The insider data hack: A legal perspective Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
Why Do Hackers Want Your Health Data? Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
Cavalier attitude to privacy aids cyber-bandits Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
What to Do When Your Trusted Employees Defect to the Competition Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Closing HIPAA compliance gaps: Getting your policies in order Audrey McNeil (Sep 24)
To Fix Cybersecurity Law, Ask More Questions Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Incident Response Practice Tip: Balance Meeting Breach Notification Deadlines With Securing Your Network Audrey McNeil (Sep 18)
4 of 10 Mid-Sized Firms Have Had Data Breach: Survey Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
Harvard CISO shares pearls of IT security wisdom Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
CDOs say data accessibility plans should be theirs to lead Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
Sony Announces Settlement In Data Breach Lawsuit Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Closing the gaps in HIPAA compliance Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
6 types of cybervillains that are no match for your data scientists Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
Cyber extortion: New crime on the block Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)
Six ways email security can aid compliance Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
Cybersecurity: How Much is Enough? Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
Ashley Madison represents new darker stage of cyber hacking Audrey McNeil (Sep 14)
Organizations should focus data sharing post-incident, not attribution Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
Healthcare adjusts to life as hacker target Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
Data breaches - hackers have nothing on your own employees Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
With continuing breaches, mHealth should learn from past thefts Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
4 Signs Your Board Thinks Security Readiness Is Better Than It Is Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
Are boards deaf to CISOs, or do they just not care? Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Sony data breach action survives motion of suit dismissal Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
IT security staff have a job for life – possibly a grim, frustrating life Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
Evolving Litigation of Data Breach Claims Audrey McNeil (Sep 28)
Life is short, secure your data Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Banks Suing Target Make New Demands Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
Do Data Breaches Really Matter for Retailers? Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
The "tremendous hacking target" your clients don't know about Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
How to be Proactive with Your IT Security this Year Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
The Absence of Evidence in Breaches Audrey McNeil (Sep 25)
Prepare to Get Hit Warns FBI Cybercrime Boss Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
Compliance Doesn't Have to be Painful Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
The OPM and UCLA breaches: 5 lessons learned Audrey McNeil (Sep 25)
Navigating The Slippery Slope Of Public Security Disclosure Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Federal study shows security banners can trick hackers into doing nothing Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
Study Determines Why Organizations Fight Data Breaches Differently Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Got cyber liability insurance? Few lawyers say they have it, despite security breaches Audrey McNeil (Sep 29)
Internet of Things – Security Audrey McNeil (Sep 14)
How to Protect Yourself Against the Hackers Audrey McNeil (Sep 08)
Why new European privacy laws matter to US CIOs and CISOs Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
Hunting hackers with honeypots Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
Data breach alert: the rising threat of contractors Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
MSPs: Stop Ignoring These Common Security Threats Audrey McNeil (Sep 24)
Time for a HIPAA Security Check-Up! Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
Cyber criminals stalking legal profession Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
Cyber insecurity has to be addressed Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
Days after Hacking Team breach, nobody fired, no customers lost Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Three Ways To Avoid Being Visually Hacked Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
Don’t become the next Ashley Madison, firms are warned amid ongoing CMO, CIO unease Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Understanding Internet data privacy Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
Top 5 tips for dealing with a hacking crisis Audrey McNeil (Sep 04)
Detecting a Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
Security needs business intelligence Audrey McNeil (Sep 17)
HIPAA Compliance – Why It's Critical To Have An IT Maintenance And Security Policy Audrey McNeil (Sep 17)
If You Fall for a Phishing Scam, Should You Lose Your Security Clearance? Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)
How to Avoid Data based Cyber-Crimes Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
Cybersecurity and intellectual property: How protected are you? Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Providers grapple with cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
Asset management must not become complacent about cyber security Audrey McNeil (Sep 28)
Ensuring your security policy works Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
OPM response to cyberbreach challenged again Audrey McNeil (Sep 15)
SEC Issues Cybersecurity Examination Risk Alert Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)
Costco Data Breach a Bigger-Than-Expected Problem Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
Employer Health Plans: Taking Responsibility for Your Business Associates Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
Sony Hacking Class Action Lawsuit Reaches Settlement Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
Is OPM Breach Just Tip of Iceberg? Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
Security breach 101: How to recognize and prevent cyber attackers Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
Forming a culture of security Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
The love/hate relationship with security Audrey McNeil (Sep 04)
Alert: ATM Skimming Up in U.S. Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
5 facets of data security Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
The No. 1 problem with computer security Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
FBI CISO warns of IoT data breaches Audrey McNeil (Sep 28)
Cybersecurity a hidden aspect of FITARA reform Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
Some Good News for Data Breach Victims, For A Change Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
Bringing cybersecurity under a protective umbrella (of privilege) Audrey McNeil (Sep 17)
Indian companies mostly uninsured against cyber attacks Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
Cyber-attacks threaten resilience in the financial sector Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
More CEOs, boards taking IT risk management seriously: Survey Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
How to leverage networks to boost security Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
Data breach: how information governance reduces risk Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
Cost of data breaches in 2015 surpasses overall federal IT investment Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
Why aren't we talking about data security? Audrey McNeil (Sep 04)
Trade Secret Protection: What are Reasonable Steps? Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
Social engineering scams: How hackers are stealing from your clients Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
Why You Need a Cyber-Security Breach Response Plan Audrey McNeil (Sep 14)
VA Revamping Cybersecurity Strategy Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
How to Guard against Customer Data Theft as One Way to Provide Better Service Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
6 ways the banking industry could improve on cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
6 steps to follow in a cyber-attack on your business Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
A Tale of Two Hacks: How Ashley Madison's Legal Woes Differ From Sony's Audrey McNeil (Sep 11)
Security Alerts: You Only Have 7 Minutes to Decide Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
10 compliance steps to protect personal information and data Audrey McNeil (Sep 15)
Liability for Data Breach Involving Employee Information: Even the Federal Government and Third Party Vendors Are Not Immune Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
Three Cybersecurity Alternatives if CISA Fails Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
HIPAA Enforcer Losing Patience on Encryption Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
OPM: 'Victim-as-a-Service' Provider Audrey McNeil (Jul 10)
State Breach Notification Laws Continue To Change Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
What does the Ashley Madison hack mean for CIOs? Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
Are you cyber insurance fit? Audrey McNeil (Sep 29)
Banks suing Target over massive data breach just got a huge boost in their case Audrey McNeil (Sep 16)
Experts Blast Encryption 'Backdoor' Plan Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
Encryption with backdoors is worse than useless -- it's dangerous Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
Prepare for the inevitable: Post-data breach class actions Audrey McNeil (Sep 16)
Prevent Employees From Hacking You Computer System Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
Don’t lose your laptop! New HIPAA settlement emphasizes importance of risk analysis and device and media controls Audrey McNeil (Sep 15)
How to Curb Your Biggest Cybersecurity Threat Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
Stop data leaks in the workplace Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
The cyber threat from within: the computer fraud and abuse act as a weapon against theft of confidential information by departing employees Audrey McNeil (Jul 28)
Back To Basics: 10 Security Best Practices Audrey McNeil (Sep 08)
Eight ways to fend off spyware, malware and ransomware Audrey McNeil (Sep 22)
Cybersecurity Bill of Rights may confuse insurers, consumers Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
DoD Issues Guidance on Privacy Breach Notices Audrey McNeil (Sep 28)
Cyber security demands real answers — Another View Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
Here’s why SMEs should be wary of information security Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
Businesses warned about risks of cyber attacks Audrey McNeil (Sep 25)
When It Comes to Cyberinsurance, Buyer Beware: 10 tips for upping recovery odds from cyber and D&O policies Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
Feds set new cybersecurity requirements for contractors Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
Hacks and attacks worry Australian insurers Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
Why Hacking is a National Emergency Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
What Can the Recent Cyber Security Attacks Teach Us? Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
Deadline approaches for Premera’s security-breach victims to seek credit monitoring Audrey McNeil (Sep 29)
Is Your Website Failing to Keep Customers’ Data Secure and Private? Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
U.S. Personnel Director Resigns After Massive Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Healthcare Hacker Attacks: The Impact Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
The Next Cyberattack Is Coming: Is Your Company Ready? Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
The risks of the Cyber Age Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
The Hacking Team and their industry thrive on a climate of fear that they help create Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
Big names feel the power of hackers as corporate hotshots go down Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
Will The US Experience A Massive Cyber-attack Soon? Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
Once More Unto the Breach Audrey McNeil (Sep 10)
Study: 1 in 5 big firms attacked by hackers Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
Keep calm and prepare for a cybersecurity breach Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
Is It Time to Appoint a Data Security Czar? Audrey McNeil (Sep 08)
Michaels Breach: The Saga Continues Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
9 highly effective ways to talk to your CEO about prioritizing website security Audrey McNeil (Sep 14)
FTC Ruling Will Lead to More Cybersecurity Suits, Lawyers Say Audrey McNeil (Sep 09)
A bird’s eye view of the legal landscape for cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
Will we ever get ahead of the hackers? Audrey McNeil (Aug 13)
Changing the whistleblower-retaliation culture Audrey McNeil (Sep 25)
The Rise In Business Identity Theft: What You Can Do To Safely Dissolve Your Business Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
Is Neiman Marcus Case a Game-Changer? Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
Ashley Madison Reveals Even More: Hacking May Be An Inside Job Audrey McNeil (Aug 06)
Court Bolsters FTC's Authority to Regulate Cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Sep 17)
Evolving litigation of data breach claims Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
Cybersecurity legislation may face tough road Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
What's So Great About an Information Security Policy? Audrey McNeil (Sep 29)
The backup battle Audrey McNeil (Sep 18)
Data Security Hackers Are the Problem, Workers the Weak Point Audrey McNeil (Sep 18)
HIV clinic data breach shows lessons not learned Audrey McNeil (Sep 08)
Impact of OPM breach could last more than 40 years Audrey McNeil (Jul 22)
How to use existing standards to prevent data breaches Audrey McNeil (Sep 14)
It’s Time for Channel Firms to Get Serious about IT Security Audrey McNeil (Sep 03)
You’ve been hacked. What now? Audrey McNeil (Sep 24)
Apple XcodeGhost Malware: List of iOS Apps You Should Delete Immediately Audrey McNeil (Sep 24)
5 things your CEO should know about cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Sep 18)
Latest News Events Insights Recent Deals Blog Awards of Damages for Data Protection Breaches – UK and Irish Approaches Contrasted Audrey McNeil (Sep 16)
UCLA Health Responds to massive cyberattack Audrey McNeil (Jul 30)
Breach of Data Security: Protect your Small Business Audrey McNeil (Aug 04)
Why hackers want your health care data most of all Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
11 Tips for Effective Cybersecurity Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
Are you prepared if the next big HIPAA breach happens to you? Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)
Courts restrict ability of customers and employees to sue companies following a data breach, but risks of other liabilities remain Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
For CFOs, Cybersecurity Risk Is Like an Iceberg Audrey McNeil (Jul 13)
DoD CIO: Make it expensive for hackers to play Audrey McNeil (Sep 21)
Congress’s Cybersecurity Plan Has Some Major Flaws Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
Carphone Warehouse in customer data breach Audrey McNeil (Aug 17)
A season for cyber Audrey McNeil (Aug 18)
Report shows cybersecurity officials feel understaffed and demoralized Audrey McNeil (Sep 30)
Cyber criminals targeting unwary businesses - report Audrey McNeil (Aug 07)
New Case Highlights Deep Hole in Cyber Insurance Policies Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
UCLA Health Faces Lawsuit - Already Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
New credit card security doesn’t go far enough Audrey McNeil (Sep 29)
Let This Be a Lesson Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
The most dangerous data breach ever known Audrey McNeil (Jul 07)
Cybersecurity’s privacy problem Audrey McNeil (Aug 12)
What CIOs Need to Know About the FTC Cybersecurity Ruling Audrey McNeil (Sep 01)
Play it safe when it comes to cyber security Audrey McNeil (Jul 06)
Five key privacy programme elements that make it work Audrey McNeil (Sep 17)
Hacker profiling: who is attacking me? Audrey McNeil (Jul 31)
Is a Uniform Federal Data Breach Law Really Necessary? Audrey McNeil (Jul 27)
How to protect against insider threats while maintaining employee trust Audrey McNeil (Jul 15)
Why the Lawsuit Against OPM over the Massive Data Breach Faces an Uphill Battle Audrey McNeil (Jul 09)
5 Crucial Ways To Neutralize Cyber-Espionage Audrey McNeil (Sep 23)