BreachExchange: by author

176 messages starting Jun 10 14 and ending Apr 17 14
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Audrey McNeil

Time-lapse security nightmares Audrey McNeil (Jun 10)
SEC seeks data on cyber security policies at Wall Street firms Audrey McNeil (Apr 29)
Small business owners crucial to stopping Heartbleed, experts say Audrey McNeil (Apr 29)
The gathering storm: What to expect in the future of cybersecurity litigation Audrey McNeil (Apr 29)
FBI issues warning, EHRs vulnerable to cyber attack, theft Audrey McNeil (May 07)
Cyber insurance protects against data breach damage Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
Why Security Should Be Top of Mind When Creating a Business Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
Could One Cyber Threat Take Down Your Practice? Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
Anatomy of a Hotel Data Breach Audrey McNeil (Jun 26)
Small Business Data Breach: Mitigating the Damage Audrey McNeil (Apr 08)
eBay argued against stronger privacy breach penalties Audrey McNeil (May 28)
Why Security & Profitability Go Hand-In-Hand Audrey McNeil (May 28)
FBI plans cyber crime crackdown, arrests coming in weeks Audrey McNeil (May 21)
Court Upholds FTC's Power to Sue Hacked Companies Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
Network Security: Don't Forget The Vending Machine Audrey McNeil (May 12)
Energy companies need insurance cover for cyber attack 'time bomb' Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
Flight Centre Travel Group Data Leaked After Attempted "Extortion" Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
Some Insider Threats Tough to Mitigate Audrey McNeil (May 07)
NSA-RSA Ties Raise New Concerns Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
Businesses need to wake up and smell the hackers Audrey McNeil (May 28)
Who Are Breach Disclosure Laws Meant to Protect? One Merchant Held up Notifications for More Than a Year at the Request of Federal Authorities Audrey McNeil (Apr 17)
Cost of Data Breaches Up 15% Audrey McNeil (May 15)
Planning for the inevitable cyber breach Audrey McNeil (May 27)
Data Breaches Equal Job Loss Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
Should Retailers and Banks Tell You When You’ve Been Hacked? Audrey McNeil (Apr 28)
Mitigating common healthcare cloud IT security issues Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
CISOs anxious about possible data breaches, employees not so much Audrey McNeil (May 12)
The Cyberwar Is Not Lost, But Battles Are Audrey McNeil (May 14)
Stolen Passwords Used In Most Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
European retail data breaches largely hidden, SC Congress told Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
Identify stolen credentials to improve security intelligence Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
Big Data, national data breach standard among issues government may soon tackle Audrey McNeil (May 16)
Want to lower your risk? Lower the ROI of hackers Audrey McNeil (Apr 17)
Cybercrime cuts deep in global economy Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
Top 10 data breach survival tips after eBay, Spotify and Office breaches Audrey McNeil (Jun 10)
Data Breach: ‘Persistence’ Gives Hackers the Upper Hand Audrey McNeil (May 15)
Treat cyberspace like a battlefield Audrey McNeil (May 08)
Banks' suit in Target breach a 'wake up call' for companies hiring PCI auditors Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
Preventing Breaches: Don't Forget Paper Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
Major medical records breaches pass 1, 000 milestone as enforcement ramps up Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
Increasing Data Breach Costs Should Lead to a Review of Insurance Policies and Vendor Contracts Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Is Infosec Getting More Stressful? Audrey McNeil (May 19)
Why you need to pay attention to how people use your systems Audrey McNeil (May 08)
AT&T Insider Data Breach More Dangerous Than External Hacking Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
CEOs still don't get cyber security, study finds Audrey McNeil (May 01)
Security Breaches Take Hours to Detect, Weeks to Neutralize: Report Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
Exposure of confidential data via e-mail a very real risk for businesses Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
Security Breaches Still a Major Issue for Businesses Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
11 reasons encryption is (almost) dead Audrey McNeil (May 12)
Are CISOs too confident? Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
Paying the price to insure a company's reputation Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
Orange data breach underlines need for encryption, say experts Audrey McNeil (May 16)
Beware the Russian cyber bear Audrey McNeil (May 14)
Experts urge U.S. caution on additional cyber threat disclosures Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
Do Claims Resulting From a Data Breach Have Any Success in Court? Audrey McNeil (Apr 17)
"Groundhog Day" for data breaches Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
Despite data breaches, data security remains a low priority for many companies Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
'Baby Teeth' In Infrastructure Cyber Security Framework Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
Six infosec tips I learned from Game of Thrones Audrey McNeil (Apr 29)
4 strategies to help CIOs prepare for cyberattacks Audrey McNeil (May 07)
Small and Midsize Businesses Hit Hard by Cyber Attacks Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
Employees steal data to make good impression in a new job Audrey McNeil (May 27)
Save money by managing IT risk Audrey McNeil (May 19)
Cyber-Attackers Have Advantages, but Enterprises Must Fight Back Audrey McNeil (May 14)
Modern threats – What you need to know Audrey McNeil (May 01)
Snapchat Settlement Signals Greater FTC Scrutiny for Tech Start-Up Privacy Policies Audrey McNeil (May 21)
Reining in out-of-control security alerts Audrey McNeil (May 23)
Shoring up cybersecurity tied to bottom-line losses Audrey McNeil (May 28)
Data Theft And Cybercrime: Four Ways To Protect Your Business Audrey McNeil (May 12)
25% of breaches go undetected for more than a day Audrey McNeil (May 15)
The Problem With Two-Factor Authentication Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
Be Careful Beating Up Target Audrey McNeil (Apr 08)
InfoSec 2014: Cost Of Serious Security Breaches Almost Doubles In A Year Audrey McNeil (May 07)
Cyber experts warn Iranian hackers becoming more aggressive Audrey McNeil (May 21)
Beyond the Bottom Line: How Data Loss Affects Employees Audrey McNeil (May 21)
Did Target's CEO Need to Go? Audrey McNeil (May 14)
Credit Unions Need to be More Proactive in Cyber Security Audrey McNeil (Jun 26)
Deciphering the Cybersecurity Framework Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
Data Theft a Major Concern for Organizations Audrey McNeil (May 08)
Study Finds No Evidence of Heartbleed Attacks Before the Bug Was Exposed Audrey McNeil (Apr 21)
Five Questions Every CEO Should Ask Their CIO / CISO Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
Cybersecurity Drill: Lessons Learned Audrey McNeil (Apr 29)
SMBs more worried about risk this year Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
Data breach alert: Small retailers are especially vulnerable Audrey McNeil (May 08)
Going to war on the IT security battlefield Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
IT security is national security -- but you're not alone Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
Zeus Malware: A Continuing Threat Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
Data Security: Keep A Lid On It Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
The Changing Face of Insurance Data Breach Risk Audrey McNeil (Apr 21)
No one is sleeping well in the cybersecurity world Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
FTC Told to Disclose the Data Security Standards it Uses for Breach Enforcement Audrey McNeil (May 14)
9 rules to follow after you've suffered a data breach Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
Lawyers: Defendants concede too fast in data breach suits Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
Hacker Tactic: Holding Data Hostage Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
A single solution for retail breaches? Audrey McNeil (Jun 12)
C-level execs need to rethink IT security Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
Another day, another breach Audrey McNeil (May 15)
OMB: Agencies Improving IT Security Audrey McNeil (May 16)
Businesses risk data breaches due to 'confusion' over privileged users Audrey McNeil (May 28)
The Underground Economy of Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
FBI Expects Number of Cyber Attacks ‘To Grow Exponentially’ in Coming Years Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
Security Needs Evolve as Computing Leaves the Office Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
How do the FBI and Secret Service know your network has been breached before you do? Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
One in five IT pros don't believe in security Audrey McNeil (Apr 08)
Your Internet security relies on a few volunteers Audrey McNeil (Apr 28)
First Quarter 2014 Exposes 176 Million Records – Troubling Trend Of Larger, More Severe Data Breaches Continues Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
Batten Down The Hatches, We’re Under (Cyber)Attack Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Inside FBI's massive cybercrime bust Audrey McNeil (May 27)
The Evolution of Data Breach Threats Audrey McNeil (Jun 23)
Look, pal, it’s YOUR password so it’s YOUR fault that it's gone AWOL Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Personal Data Thefts Jumped 7 Percent in 6 Months Audrey McNeil (Apr 23)
Health IT security lags behind retail industry Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Data Center Security Lessons from Heartbleed and Target Audrey McNeil (May 16)
Compliance is no guarantee of security Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
ka-CHING! Cyber crime notification costs a lot Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
SQL Injection Leads To Leak Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
100 lawyers in a room: Target case draws the suits to St. Paul Audrey McNeil (May 23)
Breach Response: Building a Better Strategy Audrey McNeil (May 23)
U.S. industry too complacent about cyber risks, say experts Audrey McNeil (May 27)
Into The Breach: The Limits Of Data Security Technology Audrey McNeil (May 19)
Cybercrime is outwitting, outpacing security Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Back to Basics... Audrey McNeil (May 23)
Maybe it really does matter who the CISO reports to Audrey McNeil (Jun 26)
What scares security officers the most Audrey McNeil (Jun 26)
Innovative ways for CISOs to raise cyber security awareness Audrey McNeil (May 15)
IT Managers Preparing For The 'ApocalXPe' Audrey McNeil (Apr 08)
Federal watchdog says SEC security issues put financial data at risk Audrey McNeil (Apr 28)
Cybercriminals' new target? Your medical records Audrey McNeil (Apr 08)
Breach response tips from experts Audrey McNeil (Jun 26)
Cyber liability must have for businesses Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
How small tech firms can reduce cyber risk Audrey McNeil (Apr 21)
How to thwart hackers with a cyber playbook Audrey McNeil (May 16)
Lawyers need put cyber security policies in place Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
Why Your Employees Are the Single Biggest Threat to Your Company's Data Audrey McNeil (Apr 23)
Dodging disaster: Cybersecurity and business continuity Audrey McNeil (May 14)
Companies should already know how to protect data, FTC argues Audrey McNeil (Jun 10)
CIOs at the heart of tackling cyber vulnerabilities Audrey McNeil (Apr 14)
UK Pitches Business 'Cyber Essentials' Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
Wounds from cybertheft can take long to heal Audrey McNeil (May 01)
10 Key Findings from HHS' Latest Data Breach Report Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
Are you prepared to manage a security incident? Audrey McNeil (Jun 16)
HIPAA Breach Tally and Enforcement Grow Audrey McNeil (Apr 28)
Winning strategies in cyber warfare Audrey McNeil (Apr 23)
Heartbleed Was a Headache, But Far From Fatal Audrey McNeil (May 19)
High-profile breaches throw a wrench into security policy management Audrey McNeil (May 01)
SQL: The Hack Attack You'll Never See Coming Audrey McNeil (Apr 23)
Why employees are the biggest not-so-hidden threat to your business data Audrey McNeil (Apr 01)
The Five Tough Truths Of Cybersecurity Software Audrey McNeil (Jun 10)
Taking Down the Underground Economy Audrey McNeil (Apr 28)
Why the NSA might not say anything about the next ‘Heartbleed’ Audrey McNeil (May 07)
Want 'perfect' security? Then threat data must be shared Audrey McNeil (May 21)
A New Approach to Endpoint Security: Think ‘Positive’ Audrey McNeil (May 16)
IT systems left unsupported create risk of data breach, warns watchdog Audrey McNeil (Apr 17)
Incorporating Cyber Security into Business Audrey McNeil (May 19)
Why You Need A Chief Information Security Officer Audrey McNeil (Apr 21)
New Study Reveals Risks of Third-Party Vendors to IT Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
Half of American adults hacked this year Audrey McNeil (Jun 04)
Retailers, including Nike, band together to battle cybercrimes Audrey McNeil (May 23)
New role of the CISO: Putting risk front and center Audrey McNeil (Jun 25)
Data breach burnout – the biggest threat of all? Audrey McNeil (Jun 10)
DHS: Lack of cyber law caused 'unnecessary delays' in Heartbleed response Audrey McNeil (May 28)
Federal CIOs Moving Cybersecurity Beyond Compliance Audrey McNeil (Apr 24)
How to optimize your security budget Audrey McNeil (May 19)
Six Lessons From The Target Security Debacle Audrey McNeil (May 12)
Sales drop as corporate data breaches rise Audrey McNeil (May 08)
What Makes Hospitals Lose Data Breach Lawsuits? 3 Cases Provide Insight Audrey McNeil (Apr 18)
Security Awareness Training Missing in Midsize Companies Audrey McNeil (Jun 30)
What Every Small Business Should Know About BYOD Audrey McNeil (May 27)
Why Investors Just Don't Care About Data Breaches Audrey McNeil (Jun 02)
Cybercriminals now gearing towards deception-based attacks Audrey McNeil (May 23)
Securing Open Source Post-Heartbleed Audrey McNeil (May 01)

Ben (B.K.) DeLong

Kentucky enacts HB-232, Security of Personal Information Ben (B.K.) DeLong (Apr 17)


Getting Serious about Information Sharing for Cybersecurity Jake (Apr 17)
Nullcrew Compromises 9 Sites Including Spokeo and University of Virginia Jake (Apr 21)
eBay Suffers Massive Security Breach, All Users Must Change Their Passwords Jake (May 21)

Richard Forno

Lacie confesses to year-long data breach as hackers harvest customers' details Richard Forno (Apr 17)