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Re: China's security problem with pirated software

From: Darkpassenger <darkpassenger () unseen is>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 12:38:21 -0700

yo dave ,
i would like to through a bunch of dexter quotes at you before i make my speech though not sure you finally watched it or not . not cool to spoil , they say :P

what you refered to is also a classic Iranian case . the vast software theft and organized piracy is hard to describe to outsiders who lived under senses of copyright . suffice to say , despite the internet piracy , Iran has HUGE pirate market on CD/DVD . it would be Iranian to buy a laptop and a "king" at the same time . king is a term , relative to many brand of CD collections sold in market filled with categorized stolen or cracked software range from yahoo messenger to autocad . what you just described as a Chinese issues , is the normal life here . it is funny when i see elders of family complain they cannot install some keygen because kaspersky detects it as a dropper ( and "what is dropper ? i agree to have it , who is kaspersky ? i just dont want virus..i paid 40K for this crap" ) and even the KAV is pirated when i take a look , while this company actually sells product here legally and got local update servers :>

so why dexter quote ? what is almost unique here is the sanctions . so many of the typical software or updates cannot be installed because the vendor doesnt allow iranian IPs to browse their page . this makes the Security of the average computer users much worse than its anywhere else . 1-piracy 2-the #filternet 3-sanctions .

but there is a more serious issue . culture . the general mindset is this : software is what you obtain freely yourself . so even if a decent company has paid for subscription or a service and suppose to receive updates and shit , the IT guys -- the "Engineers" go the Iranian way and engineer the system themselves with weird methods you might not understand . well , you dont have a partner or legal official reseller here ( satanic laugh ) .

Stuxnet is the suitable for dd readers as an example of our "engineering" process . while Iran was in contract with Siemens and a couple of other contractors to provide full services in the Natanz enrichment facility , they preferred to install outdated and pirated copies of SCADA . there is a Farsi paper that analysis the root and origins of Stuxnet here http://www.0days.ir/news/Stux-Author.pdf , not going to get into the actual analysis here and now , but at page 9 you see a public picture of the pirated and outdated SCADA with a clean license error messagebox , that nobody cared about it , apparently . so i read here the attack is done by people with detailed knowledge of this "situation" http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:haPPpuCAKvMJ:cryptome.org/lic/2012/09/corrupt-ir-us-12-1001.htm


On 2015-09-22 06:42, Dave Aitel wrote:
So we have a lot of customers in China and we've gone to visit them in
Beijing and Shanghai and I will say that one of the issues with Chinese
security is the Great Firewall. I think if you have not tried to do
business inside China it is rather a hard thing to believe, because
words don't do the experience inside China justice.

While on the face of it, a giant filtering engine can be quite useful
for security (especially if you define it, as most Governments do, in
"securing" the delicate minds of your populace from horrendous thoughts
from the wider world) a speedbump of extraordinary size has security

To wit, when sitting in the office of our main CANVAS reseller, we could
not download CANVAS sales videos faster than 1KB/sec. Our policy when
visiting China is to bring with us all sales videos and materials that
we could possibly need on a thumb drive because even getting access to
our website for a PDF may be impossibly slow.

SILICA requires VMWare to run, and when we asked one of our partners (a
major Chinese company you would have heard of even here) to download
VMWare Player (which is free) he immediately reached out to one of the
Chinese pirate sites to grab an old copy of cracked VMWare Workstation.
He was not wrong: Actually browsing to VMWare.com itself would have
taken literally forever, even though he is connected at his desk to one
of the fastest networks on Earth.

I understand that from the Chinese Govt's perspective it would be better
if the entire Internet was duplicated within mainland China where they
could manage it. But this is unrealistic, even for China. What it's done
instead is force a universal culture of pirated software EVEN FOR FREE
DOWNLOADS. Basically nothing software related is up to date. You know
how in the US we lament when a company is a couple months out of date on
patches and your Vulnerability Management report is full of horrible
Orange and Red marks to enforce updates? That's not even an option in
Chinese terms.

In summary: Not only is the recent XCode hack going to happen again and
again, it is in some ways a uniquely Chinese problem and allows them to
pressure Apple and similar companies to put infrastructure inside China
to solve, which is Interesting.


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