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Re: re: Security and the Under 30 User

From: defrainJ () gmail com
Date: 7 Feb 2008 19:44:04 -0000

d like to weigh in on the issue as a 23 year old grad student studying Network Security, with about 6 months experience 
working as a security engineer.

Quote from Net-Sec:
[I have been doing network security consulting for over

15 years. I also do several public service IT security
presentations to community and professional groups
each month. In either environment, I consistently get
a hostile reception from those under 30. The attitude
I get is "IT security is a bunch of moronic bull
(expletive deleted) dreamed up by paranoid moronic
geezers to justify their existence.]

I think regardless of age even with all the high profile attacks in the news it seems like people in general reacts 
this way but expresses it differently. Convincing the users who are over 30 to not click on every email attachment and 
the importance of windows updates is often and up hill battle.  Granite they might not communicate there dislike of it 
using expletives and that nonsense  probably because they are more mature and professional

[You mention key stoke loggers and other spyware, the

attitude I get is "If you don't have anything to hide,
then you have nothing to worry about."  Or, "Why
should I worry about privacy? Every aspect of my life
is already out there for anyone to read in my blog on

If thats their attitude about privacy they are bloody idiots.  If my generation doesn't get pissed off about 
warrantless wire tapping the new electronic suriveliance act that is pending , Real ID.....than we all need to put down 
the WII and do our civic duty.

[1) I have had many people claim that they would be

willing to pay $5 to $25 per transaction just to be
able to continue to use online banking if that was
what was required to offset the fraud costs. When
probing deeper, the per transaction cost appears to be
about one-half hour's pay. Just for the convenience of
not having to write a check or use snail mail.]

I absolutely despise writing checks or doing anything on paper.  Your friend was probably exaggerating a little bit, 
but I do everything online and would throw a huge fit if somebody took that away.


  2) I have heard several of the younger crowd claim
that it is common practice that when you get mad at
your bank, just post your credit card information
on-line so that the bank gets a bunch of fraudulent
charges against the card and cancels it. They see it
as a way to punish the bank for upping their interest
rate or imposing late fees.)

That is the most insane thing I have ever heard of.  I doubt anyone can be that stupid.  I think they were just trying 
to mess with you.


n the corporate world, the attitude is even worse. I
have a client that recently implemented web content
filtering that blocks the social networking sites,
blogs, chat rooms, and other non-business content.
That resulted in the mass resignation of under 30
staff, because "I can't work here if I can't keep in
contact with my friends while I work." Some are even
screaming "age discrimination" because sites like
FoxNews or CNN 'that the old geezers use' were not

My generation has this sense of entitlement that somehow at work we should be able to use company assets such as 
computers as if they our own.  Under 30's need to grow up and realize at work you are there to do work not screw around 
poking some hot girl on facebook that you want to get attention from or  going through your ex-girlfriends pictures to 
see if she's hanging around any new guys.  The age discrimination argument is hilarious to me.    Apparently only old 
people like to be informed about current events.

The people you are presenting to on a whole seem pretty immature.  I do not believe that reflects on our entire 
generation.  But I could be mistaken I guess there could be many more  20 something idiots out there who somehow 
managed to land decent jobs.

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