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Re: MAC spoof concept

From: Deian Stefan <deianstefan () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 14:40:46 -0400

Hash: SHA1

If you are sending traffic to PC3 with the correct seq# then you would basically disrupt the synchronization between PC3 and PC1 -- somewhat of a dos attack. i think that what you might want to do though is first send arp response packets so that the traffic from PC3 in response would go to PC2 and not PC1. This way you have a copy of the packets on PC2 (between PC3 and PC1) and can enable ip forwarding as to avoid a dos attack. You mentioned that you are aware of ip
spoofing, so I apologize if some of the above is redundant.

Deian Stefan
GPG fingerprint: BED8 F536 3CDB AC28 CCBB  2ECE 66C3 5810 9025 23CF

On Apr 13, 2007, at 10:47 AM, zillah wrote:

I have got these three PCs :

PC1 source (victim) , and PC3 Destination (Target),
PC2 attacker (imporsonate idintity of PC1)

PC1 mac address is : 0000.ffff.aaaa
PC2 mac address is : 0000.ffff.bbbb
PC3 mac address is : 0000.ffff.cccc

They are connected to cisco switch 3550

The term MAC spoofing is the creation of frame with a
forged (spoofed) source MAC address (our case
0000.ffff.aaaa ) with the purpose to conceal the
identity of the sender (our case PC2) and impersonate
the identity of PC1.

If PC2 sends traffic to PC3 (Destination) , PC2 would
masquerade as PC1 by falsifying its MAC address to be
0000.ffff.aaaa, if this the case what would the
benefit be for PC2 (attacker), if all the traffic (as
a response to initiated connection from PC2) coming
back from PC3 go to PC1 instead of PC2 ?

1- In this simple scenario I do not have DHCP server ,
I assigned ip address statically.

2- I am aware of ip spoofing.

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