Security Basics mailing list archives

Re: Defense in Depth

From: Miles Stevenson <miles () mstevenson org>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 00:33:11 -0500

Hello Ronish,

This is an excellent question, and one that a lot of security beginners get 
conflicting advice about, which only leads them into becoming more confused 
later down the road. My posts to this list tend to be a bit longer in nature 
because I don't believe in answering questions without also answering "why?", 
so bear with me. =)

The idea of "Defense in Depth" is based on the idea of security "layers". Many 
beginners take the idea of "layers" to simply mean more and more defense 
"tools", which is often the source of so much confusion. This is the approach 
that I think you are trying to take, which is NOT the correct approach. 

What is meant by "layers" of security, is this: the entry points that must be 
followed to get to your sensitive data/resources. I'd like to point out that 
Kenneth Swain was definitely on the right track in his response to your 
question, ableit a bit "brief". Applied to computer security, there are 
several generalized categories where those "entry points" are found. Here are 
the most common "general entry points", or "layers":

Physical Layer - Physical access to the resources.

Network Layer - Layer at which data is accepted into the system from the 

Kernel/Process Layer - Layer at which the operating system and applications 
work with your data in memory.

File system Layer - Layer at which your resources are stored and accessed on 
the file system.

Applying the practice of "Defense in Depth" to computers, means implementing 
defenses at each of the above layers. A good security plan would ensure that 
there are effective controls in place to ensure security at each of the above 
"layers". Let's work with an example here: sensitive data stored in a 

Physical Layer: You may have the database server physically stored in a 
"server room"  with only 1 entry point. Only authorized individuals can get 
through this entry point (using cypher lock, fingerprint scanner, or 
whatever). Those entering and leaving the computer room are monitored and 
tracked at all times. 

Network Layers: You may decide to put the database server on a private LAN 
segment protected from the outside by your firewall. You may also decide to 
put individual access controls on the machine itself using tcpwrappers, 
configuring the database server itself to only accept connections from 
authorized machines.

Kernel/Process Layer: You may decide to implement a tool such as GRSec to help 
protect the server process itself from being exploited by buffer overflow 
attacks and other attacks that go after the software itself. You may consider 
anti-virus software.

File system Layer: You may run the server inside of a "chroot" environment so 
that just in case it does get exploited, it can't access other parts of the 
file system. You may also decide to implement file system access controls 
within the database itself, such as only giving the "manager" user access to 
the "payroll" tables. You may also decide to encrypt the information stored 
on the file system, so that if the data is stolen from the file system, it is 

This is a very simple example of implementing "Defense in Depth". Note that 
this is NOT the same as putting in lots of security controls on the same 
"layer" in one long chain (lots of firewalls). 

Think about it like this:
You can have 1, 2, 5, or 20 firewalls in front of your database server, but 
they won't stop someone from just disconnecting the server and walking away 
with it. They won't stop internal attackers from throwing a buffer overflow 
attack against the server and getting access to the data. They won't stop 
someone who already has shell access to the server from escalating file 
system privileges and just copying the database to to their laptop and 
walking away with it.

What is gained by "Defense in Depth" is that if security on one layer fails to 
protect your data, then security on another layer will likely succeed. For 
example, when a disgruntled employee decides to walk out with your companies 
payroll database, your firewall will fail to protect your database server. 
But your door locks will keep the intruder out of the server room, and your 
cameras will catch him attempting to break in (hopefully BEFORE he is 

I promise you that your time will be much better spent by adding effective 
security controls to all the other "layers" instead of adding more firewalls 
to the network layer. Of course, those controls have to be effective. If your 
current firewall isn't doing its job very well, and needs to be replaced, 
then that's an entirely different subject. 

The other question that is often asked is, "is it good to have 2 layers of 
firewalls, assuming I already have security at all the other layers and now I 
want to add even more security?".

Most of the time, my answer to this is no. The only reason to have 2 firewalls 
in front of your system, is because you are afraid that one of the firewalls 
will fail to filter packets due to a bug in the firewall software, or fail 
due to a DoS attack. If you are afraid that your rule-set isn't good enough, 
that's a people problem, not a software problem. The drawback of having 2 
firewalls, is that you have now just added a lot more complexity to your 
network filters, which now have to be entered twice, and in 2 different 
languages (I'm assuming that you decide to use 2 DIFFERENT BRANDS of 
firewalls, which would be the whole point). Your asking for trouble here, and 
opening yourself up for making more people-mistakes by making things more 
complex. My advice, if you are not confident in the security of your 
firewall, drop it and use a good firewall, such as iptables, or pf. 

What would be the RIGHT reason to have multiple firewalls? Well, I would first 
say that if you have to ask this question, then you shouldn't be using 
multiple layers of firewalls! However, this doesn't really answer the "why?" 
question, so I'll entertain it.

I can say that there exists companies that are under constant threat of DoS 
attacks, and that distributing the job of network filtering across many 
firewalls would make it harder for an attacker to saturate all the resources. 
But it is a VERY rare case that this would be effective. Most companies don't 
even have enough bandwidth to be able to ACCEPT enough traffic to warrant 
multiple firewalls. A well implemented Linux or *BSD firewall with a SANE 
rule-set, should be able to handle a fully saturated T3 line without any 
problems. Your network pipe is going to fail before your firewall will. So 
first, I would say that you are going to have to have some HUGE pipes to even 
accept enough traffic to DoS a good firewall.

But supposing this is the case, and you are dealing with the constant threat 
of DoS attacks (the on-line casino business would be a good example of this), 
it might be a good idea to have multiple firewalls implement smaller 
"subsets" of your rule-set, so that each firewall can concentrate on 1 
particular type of packet. A company in this situation though, is likely to 
have many, very well trained security people on the job 24/7, constantly 
dealing with attack (man I would LOVE this kind of stress!), and another 
branch of security people simply doing R&D work to keep up with the threats 
and finding new ways to defend against new attacks. I'm going to go out on a 
limb (no offense intended) and say that you are not working for such a 

If you ARE dealing with the threat of DoS attacks, you should be getting in 
contact with your upstream provider in hopes of enlisting their help to slow 
the attacks down, not putting up additional firewalls.
Hope that helps! And good luck!
Miles Stevenson
miles () mstevenson org
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