Security Basics mailing list archives

RE: Minimum password requirements

From: "Andrew Aris" <andrew () dev bigfishinternet co uk>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 10:25:41 +0100

I've seen a couple of these posts, and I already replied 
before saying I thought this was unnecessary, so I'm not 
trying to pick on you specifically. But can someone please 
give me a real-world example where changing passwords 
routinely has had any measurable benefit (yes, I know it may 
be impossible to show examples of stopped intrusion 
attempts--but even coming up with a realistic hypothetical 
that does not involve an attacker who bruteforces at a rate 
of one password a month is difficult)?

In this example you give above, the attacker could just as 
well happen upon your password first--assuming it takes 4 
months to try every password, his average  time to success 
will be half that (two months); even if you make your timeout 
two months, 25% of the time he'll get it in 1.

Now let's think about this from a more accurate perspective. 
Assuming an attacker randomly tries passwords (the chances of 
him brute-forcing *every single possible password* in linear 
order are minimal; assuming 8 character passwords guessed at 
1 per second, we're talking years here), changing the 
password does not significantly help your chances. The 
benefit here is by whether he can guess with replacement or 
without (as in, should he guess another random password, or a 
random password that he hasn't already guessed--can he narrow 
his guessing set?). So 8 character alphanumeric, caps and 
lower, gives us 218340105584896 possible passwords. At one 
per second, over a 30 day period, going non-stop (and if your 
logs don't catch *this*, you should think twice), he guesses 
2592000 passwords. So if he's allowed to assume no guessing 
the same password twice--i.e. that you don't cycle your 
passwords regularly--he can better his odds from 
1/218340105584896 to 1/218340102992896. Not a significant 
change. In fact, so insignificant that if *I* were the 
attacker, I wouldn't bother keeping track of passwords I'd 
guessed. So does this make you safer against brute forcing? 
Perhaps a very small amount.

Now, the majority of intrusions: brute forces? Dictionary attacks? 
Exploit of known vulnerabilities? Or insider jobs? The last 
three are serious concerns; the first, in my opinion, is not 
nearly as much so. 
Brute forcing is deterrable with authorized log-in domains 
(allow customers to log in only from their domains), 
failed-timouts, effective logging (not to hard to notice 
thousands of failed attempts; letting a single or two 
failures slip by is perfectly excusable), but perhaps never 
will be stopped. Big deal.

Yet if we force users to change their passwords all the time, 
they'll likely write them down on post-its, or some other 
place, making them easily found by a coworker or anyone else 
in the area. They'll also be frustrated and forget it a lot, 
increasing our workload in making us reset their passwords 
often. And they won't be as productive using our systems, 
which, really, defeats the whole purpose of those systems.

Weak passwords are a serious problem, I agree. But when 
choosing your battles, timeout policies just aren't worth the 
effort to you, to your users, or to anyone else.

This is a tricky one... I'm not a big fan of enforced password expiration as
the majority of non-tehnical users have great difficulty coping with it and
either use a predictable sequence (numeric iteration etc) or just resort to
the post-it on the monitor approach. The only real thing I can see in favour
of it is that in many cases it can be very hard to know for certain wether a
password has been comprimised or not. Even on systems where the credential
usage is logged if the intruder is clever it would take a fairly detailed
audit to differentiate the unwanted logins from the normal ones.



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