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RE : Linux security

From: "STOJICEVIC E InfoEdpRsa" <Edi.Stojicevic () socgen com>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 09:26:22 +0200



I would thanks information about security in Linux:

1. Securing a linux server (specially Redhat). Installing and
administering a linux 
server in a secure form 

You have a manual called Securing and optimizing Linux (Redhat edition)
available here :

You could take a look also for the securing debian manual available at Even
if it's talking about debian, some principles are applicable for Redhat
Servers too.

2. Why is linux more secure than windows 

Because you have access to the code source and when a security hole is
found, the patch 
comes very quickly ...
The list of the advantages is very long but i can't put them all here,
you should take 
a look on google to search things like this ...

3. Securying Squid

Try, you should find some interesting articles there

Thanks a lot

 . ''`.  E d i   S T O J I C E V I C
 : :'  :
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