Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: Naptha - New DoS

From: Lincoln Yeoh <lyeoh () POP JARING MY>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 01:59:30 +0800

Well, most dial up users don't have a firewall between them and the rest of
the world. Even those  script kiddies scanning our firewalls at the office
seem to have port 139 open :).

I personally don't have a firewall for my Windows 95 PC at home. I just
removed Microsoft's Client and updated the IP stack, and so far it's taken
most stuff I've thrown at it.


At 10:43 AM 12/8/00 -0600, Ron DuFresne wrote:
Rather then spending all that time going from desktop to desktop to fix
something others are going to unfix anyway, do as one should for these MN$
open ports and block 137-139 tcp and udp at the gateway/firewall.  Saves
time and monies.

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