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Re: ping flooding as normal user

From: Daniel Petzen <Daniel.Petzen () EMW ERICSSON SE>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 10:47:03 +0200

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Bluefish wrote:

I'm no expert on network coding in the unix environment (or any other
environment for that sake ;) but I'm wondering how big this issue is. I
mean, basicly the main problem is that bandwidth per user isn't limited
(for a number of sites, being able to limit that for ordinary users might
be interesting - not only to avoid abuse)

  This is an interesting notion and I fully agree that bandwidth limitation
should be considered a basic part of resource management. The problem is the
implementation or rather where the implementation should be done.

Secondary, why is ping suid? is this needed for sending these IMCP
packets? If this can be by any user application I really don't think
there's anything to fix in ping, then it would be a something to patch in
the kernels, if it is concidered a needed feature.

I think it's like this: To implement ICMP which is at the same level as IP
you'll have to have raw access to the interface. You then have to create a
socket of the type SOCK_RAW. To do this you'll have to be root hence the SetUID
on the ping command.

  /// Daniel Petzén

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