Snort mailing list archives

RE: Mysql 101 (ACID config)

From: "Wayne T Work" <securitygauntlet () snet net>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:06:33 -0400

Mysql 101 (ACID config)Ok,
Yes, you do have an issue with the Scheme that you have in the Snort
database installed in MySQL.
        NOTE: Make sure you are LOGGED into you Unix computer with ROOT UID
1. Do          mv snortdatabase newfile
2. Log into and launch Mysql using the root UID
3. Do      mysql>create batabase snort;
4. make sure that either root or snort UID have access to the snort database
just created.
5. Do       mysql>\u snort   --- if the UID you are logged into MySQL with
does not have access you will get an error
6. exit MySQL
7. Do         root>mysql -u root -p snort <
                     --- this will populate the snort database with the
tables for snort
8. Do        root>mysql -u root -p snort <
/pathto/create_acid_tbls_mysql.sql   --- this will populate the snort
database with tables for ACID
9. Log into MySQL with the UID utilized in your snort.conf file.
10. mysql>\u snort
11. mysql>show tables;      --- you should be able to identify the tables
used by snort and ACID
12. Try running snort again.

Good luck. I did this from memory so I hope I did not forget anything

  -----Original Message-----
  From: snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net
[mailto:snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net]On Behalf Of Edward W. Ray
  Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 9:53 PM
  To: snort-users () lists sourceforge net
  Subject: [Snort-users] Mysql 101 (ACID config)

  I have tried installing the ACID, mysql, snort combo on my Red Hat Linux
7.3 box.  The Web page comes up fine; however, I cannot get snort to log to
mysql.  The following error occurs when trying to run Snort in mysql logging

  [root@ns2 .snortrc]# snort -U -d -c /root/.snortrc/snort.conf
  Initializing Output Plugins!
  Log directory = /var/log/snort

  Initializing Network Interface eth0

          --== Initializing Snort ==--
  Decoding Ethernet on interface eth0
  Initializing Preprocessors!
  Initializing Plug-ins!
  Parsing Rules file /root/.snortrc/snort.conf

  Initializing rule chains...
  No arguments to frag2 directive, setting defaults to:
      Fragment timeout: 60 seconds
      Fragment memory cap: 4194304 bytes
      Fragment min_ttl:   0
      Fragment ttl_limit: 5
      Fragment Problems: 0
  Stream4 config:
      Stateful inspection: ACTIVE
      Session statistics: INACTIVE
      Session timeout: 30 seconds
      Session memory cap: 8388608 bytes
      State alerts: INACTIVE
      Evasion alerts: INACTIVE
      Scan alerts: ACTIVE
      Log Flushed Streams: INACTIVE
      MinTTL: 1
      TTL Limit: 5
      Async Link: 0
  No arguments to stream4_reassemble, setting defaults:
       Reassemble client: ACTIVE
       Reassemble server: INACTIVE
       Reassemble ports: 21 23 25 53 80 143 110 111 513
       Reassembly alerts: ACTIVE
       Reassembly method: FAVOR_OLD
  http_decode arguments:
      Unicode decoding
      IIS alternate Unicode decoding
      IIS double encoding vuln
      Flip backslash to slash
      Include additional whitespace separators
      Ports to decode http on: 80
  rpc_decode arguments:
      Ports to decode RPC on: 111 32771
  telnet_decode arguments:
      Ports to decode telnet on: 21 23 25 119
  Using GMT time
  Conversation Config:
     KeepStats: 0
     Conv Count: 32000
     Timeout   : 60
     Alert Odd?: 0
     Allowed IP Protocols:  All

  Portscan2 config:
      log: /var/log/snort/scan.log
      scanners_max: 3200
      targets_max: 5000
      target_limit: 5
      port_limit: 20
      timeout: 60
  database: compiled support for ( mysql )
  database: configured to use mysql
  database:          user = snort
  database: password is set
  database: database name = snort
  database:          host =
  database:   sensor name =
  database:     sensor id = 1
  database: mysql_error: Unknown column 'last_cid' in 'field list'
  database: mysql_error: Unknown column 'last_cid' in 'field list'
  SQL=UPDATE sensor SET last_cid = 54 WHERE sid = 1
  database: inconsistent cid information for sid=1
            Recovering by rolling forward the cid=54
  database: schema version = 105
  database: The underlying database seems to be running an older version of
            the DB schema (current version=105, required minimum version=

            If you have an existing database with events logged by a
            version of snort, this database must first be upgraded to the
            schema (see the snort-users mailing list archive or DB plugin
            documention for details).

            If migrating old data is not desired, merely create a new
            of the snort database using the appropriate DB creation script
            (e.g. create_mysql, create_postgresql, create_oracle,
            located in the contrib\ directory.

            See the database documentation for cursory details
            and the URL to the most recent database plugin documentation.
  Fatal Error, Quitting..

  I have tried to create a new instance of the snort database, and I get the
follwing error:

  [root@ns2 root]# mysql -u root -p
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 27 to server version: 3.23.52

  Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

  mysql> connect snort
  Reading table information for completion of table and column names
  You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

  Connection id:    28
  Current database: snort

  mysql> source create_mysql
  Failed to open file 'create_mysql', error: 2
  mysql> source /home/create_mysql
  mysql: Error reading file '/home/create_mysql' (Errcode: 21)
  mysql> source create_mysql
  Failed to open file 'create_mysql', error: 2
  mysql> exit

  I figure the issue is with mysql, but any help would be greatly


  Edward W. Ray

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