Politech: by author

83 messages starting Apr 01 03 and ending Apr 30 03
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Declan McCullagh

FC: Feds release 2002 wiretap statistics (including encryption #s) Declan McCullagh (Apr 30)
FC: American Boychoir School gives up, abandons frivolous suit Declan McCullagh (Apr 30)
FC: Mail-block.com gets blocked for... spamming Declan McCullagh (Apr 30)
FC: Is the RIAA spamming peer-to-peer users? Is it blackhole time? Declan McCullagh (Apr 30)
FC: Mail-block.com replies to Politech post about displaying ads Declan McCullagh (Apr 30)
FC: Australian tax $$$ at work: Gov't funds "prison break" videogame Declan McCullagh (Apr 29)
FC: Email a Mail-block.com customer, get an advertisement Declan McCullagh (Apr 29)
FC: Request for help on Los Angeles e-voting system security Declan McCullagh (Apr 29)
FC: Weekly column: Lessig's wager, and Lofgren's new anti-spam bill Declan McCullagh (Apr 28)
FC: MichaelSavageSucks.com also nastygramed by radio show lawyers Declan McCullagh (Apr 28)
FC: Newsweek on Amazon's Jeff Bezos in Space Declan McCullagh (Apr 28)
FC: Is it time to "hold software makers accountable" for bugs? Declan McCullagh (Apr 28)
FC: Sybase offers "Patriot Act Compliance or Consequences" solution Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Linus Torvalds on digital rights management in Linux kernel Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Radio host Michael Savage nastygrams SavageStupidity.com Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Alleged Penn State P2P pirates escape with only warnings Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Spammers threaten suit after contact info goes on Techdirt.org Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Mike Hawash's friends plan Seattle rally for Monday 8:30am Declan McCullagh (Apr 27)
FC: Judge says current P2P networks are legal to operate Declan McCullagh (Apr 25)
FC: Ashcroft lauds Ed Meese, says "keep liberty burning bright!" Declan McCullagh (Apr 25)
FC: Is menace of "cyberwar" overstated or not? Declan McCullagh (Apr 25)
FC: Federal judge gives Verizon 14 days to ID Kazaa user Declan McCullagh (Apr 25)
FC: Menace of Cyber War! Be Scared! Film at 11 Declan McCullagh (Apr 24)
FC: FIRE sues Pennsylvania university over speech code Declan McCullagh (Apr 24)
FC: Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Club Camp 2003 in Germany Declan McCullagh (Apr 24)
FC: Will Larry Lessig have to resign? Find out at event on 4/28 Declan McCullagh (Apr 24)
FC: MIT Technology Review on surveillance, cams, monitoring (Part II) Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Monster.com purges resumes and job postings, says Feds require it Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Speaking to MIT Tech/Eros group today (Thursday, 4/24) Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Bill Purdy's back! Buys up American Boychoir domains... Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Jim Bell's back: Files class action suit against Feds from prison Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: "Echelon: The Secret Power" documentary reviewed in Variety Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Reply from Dutch technologist to column about Cisco, wiretapping Declan McCullagh (Apr 23)
FC: Weekly column: Cisco's wiretapping plans, int'v with Fred Baker Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: A reply to American Boychoir School tries to censor critical site Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: A reply from Hong Kong on SARS, China, and public panic Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: Henry Niman on SARS Mythical Mortality Rate: Actually 15%-20% Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: Replies to SARS and growth rates Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: American Boychoir School tries to censor site alleging sexual abuse Declan McCullagh (Apr 22)
FC: Reason article on SARS outbreak: Panic or plague? Declan McCullagh (Apr 17)
FC: New Democrats want Congress to create "do-not-spam-me" list Declan McCullagh (Apr 17)
FC: Ex-DoubleClick privacy officer heads to Dept of Homeland Security Declan McCullagh (Apr 17)
FC: Mike Godwin's analysis of "state DMCAs": Unnecessary, invasive Declan McCullagh (Apr 16)
FC: Australia moves against spam (and a reply on supporting troops) Declan McCullagh (Apr 16)
FC: Porn spam could be a legal minefield for employers Declan McCullagh (Apr 16)
FC: Tax-time essay on technology and "economic secessionism" Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: Replies to Lisa Dean's "treason" claim for anti-war protester Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: Lisa Dean replies to Politech, retracts "treason" editorial Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: Blackboard responds to criticism of Interz0ne lawsuit Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: New paper: "Internet-based attacks on the physical world" Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: If Interz0ne report is out on the Net, no prior restraint? Declan McCullagh (Apr 15)
FC: DMCA not part of judge's Interz0ne order over security flaws Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: Judge orders researchers, conference not to reveal security flaws Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: John Gilmore, Steve McGeady on Mike Hawash, still in prison Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: KeepandBearArms.com gets encryption religion, touts PGP Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: Weekly column on Mike Hawash: Guilty until proven innocent Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: Energy Department rejects scientists' conclusions, OKs polygraphs Declan McCullagh (Apr 14)
FC: MetaSwitch embeds police spy features in new Net-phone switch Declan McCullagh (Apr 11)
FC: Google's porn filters block many innocuous sites Declan McCullagh (Apr 10)
FC: Feds say nanotech is huge commercial market -- so they must fund it Declan McCullagh (Apr 10)
FC: U.S. readies "Iraqi PATRIOT Act" to protect democracy, freedom Declan McCullagh (Apr 10)
FC: Delta Airlines still being targeted by privacy boycott Declan McCullagh (Apr 09)
FC: Judge tosses out ACLU lawsuit over DMCA and filtering software Declan McCullagh (Apr 09)
FC: Pennsylvania cops track you via all those driver license scans Declan McCullagh (Apr 09)
FC: Changes to Colorado "mini DMCA" may not fix all the problems Declan McCullagh (Apr 09)
FC: Should Saddam have been using PGP? Iraqi crypto broken... Declan McCullagh (Apr 09)
FC: LA cops used police computer systems to look up celebrities Declan McCullagh (Apr 08)
FC: Looking back at surveillance cameras in NYC and Amsterdam Declan McCullagh (Apr 07)
FC: Can copy protected CDs hurt artists by limiting radio play? Declan McCullagh (Apr 06)
FC: US News on data-mining, artificial intelligence, terrorism Declan McCullagh (Apr 06)
FC: More on RIAA to P2P users: the gloves are coming off Declan McCullagh (Apr 06)
FC: More unfriendly behavior by Mailblocks: Nasty patent lawsuits Declan McCullagh (Apr 06)
FC: Boston Globe columnist: "Web filters at libraries are overdue" Declan McCullagh (Apr 06)
FC: RIAA to P2P users: the gloves are coming off Declan McCullagh (Apr 04)
FC: Bush signs executive order on SARS quarantine Declan McCullagh (Apr 04)
FC: Hong Kong gov't sends 6 million spamograms over SARS web hoax Declan McCullagh (Apr 03)
FC: SARS: Some background information on the disease Declan McCullagh (Apr 03)
FC: Penn State warns students that P2P trading can be a federal felony Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)
FC: Request: Sign on letter on accuracy in FBI's criminal database Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)
FC: Satellite TV and Tivo owners, be warned: You have no privacy Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)
FC: Colorado state senate delays vote on "mini-DMCA" bill Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)
FC: Feds warn of Chinese hack attacks, from WashingtonPost.com Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)
FC: Final reminder: Politech reception tonight at 7 pm in NYC Declan McCullagh (Apr 01)