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From: bogus () does not exist com ()
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:14:41 -0000

all sorts. In this talk I will speak about my experiences and lessons
learned in "new media". In particular how they relate to underground culture
and our social responsibility to the next generation of security

 Why You Suck <>

 Decius Drunken

Intx80's Performance<>

Awards and Closing<>

Thanks to the Phreaknic <> crew, SkyDog, Lady
Merlin and the A/V team SomeNinjaMaster, Night Carnage, Greg, Brimstone,
Poiu Poiu, Mudflap, and Drunken Pirate for setting up the rigs and capturing
the video.

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Hi all, <br>All of the talks from Phreaknic 12 can be found here:<br><a hre=
Here are the contents:<br><br><blockquote>
                <p align=3D"left"><a href=3D"
pn12/opening-remarks">Opening Remarks</a><br>What is this Phreaknic you spe=
ak of? Who we are, what we are about, and what is=20
stuff I got for coming to the con? We&#39;ll go over the events, hit the hi=
and some
general guidelines about attending Phreaknic.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
ino-pn12">Droops/Morgellon - The Extraordinary Journey from Fundamental
Electronics to Fabulous Enchanted Systems with Arduino&#39;s and Magical
Potions.</a><br>Droops and Morgellon will take you from basic electronics t=
o building embedded=20
Learn how to build a standalone RFID tag reader with a fancy LCD display or=
oscilloscope or childrens toys that speak to you or how to solar power a=20
geothermal heat
pump. There may even be some giveaways and contests. Magical Potions will b=
consumed but not provided.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
-open-source-video-editor">Sorteal - LiVes Open Source video editor</a><br>=
This talk will introduce new users to the LiVES video editor and its vast a=
supported formats, both audio and video. Basic and advanced video editing=
techniques will<br>be cover as well as the use of real time effects along w=
ith their importance and
implementation in VJ projects. The unique networking features, the desire t=
build a strong<br>community around the project and the openness for develop=
ers to expand the=20
project and
its functionality will be addressed as well during the talk.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
on-of-the-legality-of-wardriving">TRiP - Discussion of the legality of ward=
riving</a><br>This talk is to provide a &quot;current&quot; legal status of=
 wardriving throughout the=20
US. The talk
will include an overview of wardriving and it&#39;s history (wardialing), t=
statues regulating<br>all 50 states and how courts have interrupted such st=
atutes, recent arrests for
wardriving/related activities, and a brief overview of the international=20
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
stock-open-source-ak-47s">Handgrip/Buttstock - Open Source AK-47&#39;s</a><=
br>Ensuring freedom through greater firepower. How to build yourself a lega=
AK47 from salvage parts.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
acking-the-mind-body-connection">Jack Dreher- Hacking the Mind/Body Connect=
ion</a><br>This talk will teach you a simple acupressure based algorithm al=
ong with a=20
series of
visualization exercises that can be used to overcome a wide variety of ment=
emotional, and spiritual limiting beliefs. While the modality itself can be=
applied to a
multitude of issues this talk will focus on using the techniques to enhance=
learning and creativity.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
ol">Russell Butturini - Using the Hak5 U3 Switchblade as an Incident
Response and Forensics Tool</a><br>This talk will explain how to adapt the =
Hak5 switchblade, originally conceived=20
as an
attack/pen-testing tool into an incident response and forensics tool using=
different utilities.
Adaptations of the original solution using a non-U3 drive and a more automa=
using U3 technology will be discussed.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
n-skinner-jail-get-your-iphone-out-and-try-not-to-get-yourself-in">Lee Bair=
d/John Skinner - JAIL: Get your iPhone out, and try NOT to get
yourself in!</a><br>A guide on how to jailbreak your iPhone, install &amp; =
backup unauthorized apps, and=20
what to
do with your iPhone once it&#39;s jailbroken.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
n-erin-shelton-beer-hacking-real-world-examples">Scott Milliken/Erin Shelto=
n - Beer Hacking - Real World Examples</a><br>You build your own computers =
from the bare parts. You&#39;d die before paying=20
someone else to actually write a basic HTML page for you. So why is it that=
pay up to 10x the
actual cost of making beer for something of lesser quality? This presentati=
will cover the
various methods of making your own alcoholic beverages (beer, cider, wine),=
including the
equipment required and approximate setup costs for each. Even if your skill=
the kitchen
is limited to the microwave, there is a method of brewing that will work fo=
you. Some
experimentation tricks will also be covered so that you can literally hack =
beer to
create a new flavor. Samples of various batches made by the presenters will=
during the presentation, assuming they haven&#39;t already drunk all of it.=
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
the-art-of-the-approach-the-steps-to-attract-women">Bruce Herman - The Art =
of the Approach: The Steps to Attract Women</a><br>I will go through a step=
 by step instruction of getting a womans phone number=20
and date.
I will break this down bit by bit to show how to successfully do it. I will=
over the things
you should do and the things you should never do. Quick over veiws on body=
and what yours is saying to the opposite sex. </p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
ware-keyloggers-use-review-and-stealth">Irongeek - Hardware Keyloggers: Use=
, Review, and Stealth
This talk will cover hardware keyloggers and their use. About six will be=
presented in
person for folks to try hands on, with a few others referenced in the slide=
ones for example) . I&#39;ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of the =
crop on the
market and how they work. Also covered will be possible ways to detect hard=
keyloggers via physical inspection an software.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
-an-introduction-to-software-defined-radio-by-cowboy-dan">Daniel Hooper - A=
n Introduction to Software Defined Radio by Cowboy Dan</a><br>Software Defi=
ned Radio (SDR) is the latest (and possibly last) iteration of=20
communication technology. Traditional radio technology is very=20
hardware-oriented, and
somewhat inaccessible to the software-hacking community. NO LONGER!
With a fixed piece of hardware such as the Universal Software Radio Periphe=
ral (USRP),
we can emulate many different kinds of traditional hardware, from CW Morse-=
transmissions, all the way up to digital QAM, HDTV, and beyond.
This presentation will demonstrate how to get set up with GNU Radio and the=
hardware. We will perform a few simple tasks such as receiving radio and TV=
. The=20
is to get most people in the audience comfortable with the setup process so=
can start experimenting.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
tarting-your-own-hackerspace-panel-talk">SkyDog &amp; Crew - Starting your =
own Hackerspace (Panel Talk)</a><br>Got a bunch of hacker/maker friends and=
 wanna do some projects? Start a=20
We&#39;ll take you on an adventure as we look back over the last year and r=
eflect on=20
progress we have made getting our hackerspace started, and share some pitfa=
triumphs along the way. Skydog will be joined by Seeblind, the VP of the HC=
Mudflap, the
Secretary, and Someninjamaster, a devoted, hardworking member.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
-at-least-ten-things-you-didnt-know-about-your-hard-drive">Scott Moulton - =
At Least TEN things you didn&#39;t know about your hard drive!</a><br>This =
speech comprises at least 10 things that are 2+2=3D5 type situations people=
do not
realize about hard drives. For Example, Data is written in Cylinders on har=
drives, all
partitions are created on Cylinder Boundaries and that leaves an offset fro=
m the=20
end of one
partition to the next which leaves a gap between partitions that is unusabl=
e or=20
free space at
the end of the disk. In addition to that, the point would be, since the out=
edge of a drive
starting at Track 0 is the fastest location on the drive, and the first=20
partition is created on a
cylinder boundary at the outside edge, then each and every partition you cr=
on the disk
has to be at a cylinder boundary into the disk. This means the second parti=
is on a
slower part of the drive than the first. So for Mac Users that create a 32 =
Fat32 partition
on their drive (actually the 6th/7th partition on the drive) is 32 gigs fro=
m the=20
end of the drive
on a Cylinder boundary and they just installed Windows on the slowest part =
the drive. No
it will not be animated!</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
three-cool-security-technologies-youve-never-heard-of">Bruce Potter - Three=
 Cool Security Technologies You&#39;ve Never Heard Of</a><br>This talk will=
 introduce you to 3 cool security technologies that you&#39;ve=20
probably never been
exposed to. There is still innovation going on, and much of the most useful=
getting press time. So I&#39;m going to try and rekindle some of that love =
lost over the
years by giving you the 20 minute low-down on each one. Go get some wine, l=
candles, sit back, and enjoy security again. What are the 3 technologies? W=
you&#39;ll just
have to attend the talk to find out.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
-shawn-moyer-satan-is-on-my-friends-list-attacking-social-networks">Nathan =
Hamiel /Shawn Moyer - Satan is on my Friends List: Attacking
Social Networks</a><br>Social Networking is shaping up to be the perfect st=
orm... An implicit trust of=20
those in one&#39;s
network or social circle, a willingness to share information, little or no=
validation of
identity, the ability to run arbitrary code (in the case of user-created ap=
with minimal
review, and a tag soup of client-side user-generated HTML (Hello? MySpace? =
It wants its markup vulns back). Yikes.
But enough about pwning the kid from homeroom who copied your calc homework=
the rise of business social networking sites, there are now thousands of pu=
profiles with
real names and titles of people working for major banks, the defense and=20
industry, federal agencies, the US Senate... A target-rich and trusting=20
environment for
custom-tailored, laser-focused attacks.
Our talk will show the results of a series of public experiments aimed at=
pointing out the
security and privacy ramifications of everyone&#39;s increasingly open, inc=
online personae and the interesting new attack vectors they&#39;ve created.=
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
-joshua-restivo-the-government-found-child-porn-on-my-pc-now-what">David Hi=
ckman/Joshua Restivo - The Government Found Child Porn on
My PC. Now What?</a><br>Most users of the Internet are acquainted with peer=
 to peer filesharing and the=20
amount of
pornography available therein and elsewhere on the Internet. Any active=20
filesharing user
has likely downloaded some form of child pornography unintentionally. Law=
has taken the stance that downloading, possession, and/or distribution of c=
pornography, even accidental or system compromise, is a crime that will be=
prosecuted to
the fullest extent of the law. As a result, there are task forces, which sc=
p2p networks
looking for the hashes of known child pornography. When found, the local=20
jurisdiction is notified to investigate. In many cases these local investig=
ators do not have the=20
skills or experience handle the case correctly.
Unfortunately, once the computers are seized, the accused automatically inh=
stigma of being associated with this type of crime. Only if they have acces=
s to=20
defense forensics do they have a chance of avoiding charges, having existin=
dropped or winning their case in court.
This talk will concentrate on what happens in the pre-indictment and=20
stages of a case from the defense forensics viewpoint.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
n-lessons-learned-in-hacker-media">Darren Kitchen - Lessons Learned in Hack=
er Media</a><br>From e-zine to podcast the world of hacking has been filled=
 with media of all=20
sorts. In this
talk I will speak about my experiences and lessons learned in &quot;new med=
ia&quot;. In=20
how they relate to underground culture and our social responsibility to the=
generation of security enthusiasts.</p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D""=

                Why You Suck</a></p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
                Decius Drunken Rant</a></p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
mance">Intx80&#39;s Performance</a></p>
                <p align=3D"left">
                <a href=3D"
osing">Awards and Closing</a></p>
<p align=3D"center">
<p align=3D"center">
Thanks to the <a href=3D"";>Phreaknic</a> crew, Sk=
Lady Merlin and the A/V team SomeNinjaMaster, Night Carnage, Greg, Brimston=
e, Poiu Poiu, Mudflap, and Drunken=20
Pirate for setting up the rigs and capturing the video.</p><br>


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