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Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

From: Aled Morris <aledm () qix co uk>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:43:40 +0100

On 14 June 2016 at 22:38, Owen DeLong <owen () delong com> wrote:

So I just watched the video of Dave’s talk.

Me too and I was confused about what the point of it was.

I had always assumed the customers of those IXs he singled out were
generally happy with the service they were getting and the money they are

Is Dave trying to say they are being duped?  Is he trying to identify a
need for regulation?

I would hope that any company looking to join an IX does so with their eyes
open and with due diligence (and I don't think it is my place to tell them
if they should or not use an IX, unless they hire me to give them that
advice :-)

Perhaps Dave was advocating the SIX model and suggesting the customers of
the existing exchanges should be looking to organise an alternative in
their localities.

Or perhaps this is a wakeup call for LoNAP and the smaller exchanges who
"compete" with AMS-IX, DE-CIX and NetNod - stop trying to mimic their
commercial models (big fees which pay for staff and marketing) and look
instead at the lean SIX as the way of offering a service at a price
competitive to transit.

Or was there a hidden message in Dave's presentation that I missed?


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