nanog mailing list archives

Re: [connie.davis () mail internetseer com:]

From: Etaoin Shrdlu <shrdlu () deaddrop org>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 10:36:58 -0700

Charles Sprickman wrote:

On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Eric Germann wrote:

You also have the sporadic people who say "for whatever reason, I said
something on NANOG I shouldn't have because now that I am unemployed from a
dot bomb, when I try to get a job, they search the web and these stupid
posts I made show up in your archive and can you remove them so I can get a
job???"  I explain to them the concept of an an archive.

Whats the collective voice of NANOG say, keep it or kill it?

Personally, since Merit is already archiving it, I'd really prefer that
everyone else did not. You don't do us any favor. If I want to search the
archives, I know where they are. I never understand the need to archive
someone else's mailing list. On the other hand...

I think we're all big boys (and girls) here and understand that
subscribing to a large, archived mailing list will get your subscription
address on yet another "1,000 MILLION EMAIL ADDRESSES" CD.  I should hope
everyone here can implement, or at least ask for, basic spam filtering.
This isn't your grandmother's crochet chat group; everyone here should be
smart enough to at least glance at the Merit site before subscribing.

Sure, maybe, but I really think, in this day and age, if you're going to
archive mail in a public manner, that you ought to do the courteous thing,
and at least make it somewhat difficult to collect email addresses. Sure,
bugtraq (for example) is archived from here to Mars, and they surely don't
obscure, but I really think that Nanog ought to be a cut or so above
them...but then, it isn't my call.

If you come in here and say things that make you unattractive as a
prospective employee, tough crap. :)  More jobs for the rest of us.

Oh, even more important than that: It makes it easier for prospective
employers to weed out the bad ones. Think about it. If you behave
unprofessionally here, my guess is you're unprofessional. Go right ahead
and display your bad manners in public; you're doing everyone a favor, and
providing an early warning as well. There you have it.

A system admin's life is a sorry one. The only advantage he has
over Emergency Room doctors is that malpractice suits are rare.
On the other hand, ER doctors never have to deal with patients
installing new versions of their own innards! (Michael O'Brien)

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