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Winds Of Change Must Come Now

From: "Henry R. Linneweh" <linneweh () concentric net>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 12:19:02 -0800

If one reads the media as everyone does the government is already attempting
to do that with a national infrastructure privacy protection network.

I think if this happens every business here is jeopardy of losing control
of "Their Network", and it would serve those that want to spy and use
the network for intelligence gathering as well.

The suggestion that using the SAR to approach the broken networks was A
very positive step and should be done, I think "collectively", this can be done
with whatever "collective legal maneuvering" and peer pressure.

Creating A SAR for like incidents is an excellent idea.

I don't much care if you are an ISP or NSP as a group of networks that
share common network fabric it is an unspoken duty to work with what
keeps the networking going and not your sense of greed or back room

The backlash to this if you do not fall in line you will find it difficult to do

business online because like any other business " We Can And Will Refuse
the Right of Service".

The problem with Sun RPC can be addressed with A "Collective Complaint"
for lack of responsible service so that funding can be made available to
fix the issue, like any other business there has to be sufficient cause to
funding to a new product, with all the collective knowledge that is here
this process can be done in a relatively short time using the best expertise
is here to show the problem and how to correct the errors in the code and at the

same time maintain its functionality, correctly and reliably.

I think Cisco already got the point since they are customer centric in
resolving problems that are injurious to their business interests and

There are brilliant people here who have worked hard to write RFC's
and it is a shame when they drew their conclusions some time back,
knowing that this would evolve to an eventual happening, that no one
listened. It is a bitter lesson that will spawn much destruction. Lets
not repeat it.

Sam Thomas wrote:

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 10:35:57PM -0500, Paul Ferguson wrote:

I hate to ask this, but can't bite my lip, given the
fact that people are throwing lawyers at this stuff now.

it is a necessary evil that we settle this ourselves. because if we don't
take care of our own business, someone's going to step in and do it for us,
and we won't like it. imagine, if you will, a branch of the UN making
internet policy in the form of international law. this should be incentive

Is it within the realm of possibility that ISP's will
start to craft SLA's, peering & transit agreements, to
include who is responsible for ingress filtering?

I would think so.

IMHO, ISP's should take full positive control of all the traffic they
allow on their network, their route advertisements, and their responsiveness
to peers/customers. ultimately, when asked who is responsible for the
packets on my network, the answer is "me". it is obscene to think that
folks would write contracts in such a way as to avoid their implicit
responsibility for their own networks. like I said above, if we do not
take responsibility for our own networks, someone else will, and we won't
like the results.

Also, if so, do you think that this would technically be
effcient, given that the filters would actually be applied?

once folks get it through their thick skulls that this is something
that needed to happen yesteryear and give harsh stares to their vendors'
geeks, I'm sure someone will figure out a way to make it technically
efficient. <cliche>necessity is the mother of invention.</cliche> let
the word get out that there is an immediate need for devices that can
filter at very high capacity line speeds, and someone will figure out
how to make it work. even engineers are suceptible to greed. :-)

right now, this is probably not-so-feasable.

Sam Thomas
Geek Mercenary

Thank you;
| Thinking is a learned process so is UNIX   |
Henry R. Linneweh

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