nanog mailing list archives

Re: [NIC-960209.1757] Routing Problem (fwd)

From: "Simon Chan" <chan () mibx com>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 01:15:10 +0000

On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, Paul Ferguson wrote:

Creating a consortium [akin to the NAP model] of small ISP's could
easily resolve this problem, if all address space allocated to each
ISP was contiguous and could be aggregated to a larger prefix.

This has been suggested on numerous occasions.

It's not only been suggested, but I believe it's been somewhat
implemented. :) Back in September '94, Chris Alan (Electriciti) and a few
others came up with an idea called PCH -- Packet Clearing House. 

The primary concept was, as you suggested, connect a bunch of small ISPs
together using shared resources and address space and peer with the "big
boyz."  Unfortunately I haven't been involved with it lately, so hopefully
someone that has can share if it was successful or not. 


The unfortunate requirement of such scheme to work is that
all address space allocated to the small ISP's has to be contiquous so that it 
could be aggregated to a larger prefix under an autonomous system.  
Given the completely arbitrary manner adopted by the Internic's 
address allocation policy, (eg. 4 C's to ISP A, skip a few C's, 8 C's 
to ISP B where A and B can be 4,000 miles apart) it is safe to assume 
that the small chunks of C class addresses are geographically 
dispersed throughout the States with many holes still unassigned or 
unaccounted for.  If you are talking about swamp, this is it.  
However, a survey for how those chunks of address got broken up into 
many different places perhaps can help in the direction of finding 
such solution.  If these small IP pieces can be grouped together 
according to their geographic locations,  there is chance that some 
broken chunks may be pieced together to form large enough piece by 
pure luck.  If such solution exists, I am sure someone would be 
interested in forming such regional consortiums to help salvage the once lost 
IP addresses.



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