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Re: Are the Route Servers Viable Solutions That Are Being Held Hostage?

From: Alan Hannan <alan () gi net>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:46:04 -0600 (CST)

  Sean, are you sure this was the Bud at Radio Shack?  It sounds
  more like Bud from SAIC.


.........  Sean Doran is rumored to have said:
] |   I asked Bud, "Bud, will your I/R to RF transcievers send data at
] |   greater than 2.4kps?".  
] "Yes", replied Bud, "but it will take some work, and cost $X".
] |   "And will your I/R to RF transcievers send data bidirectionally?"
] |   I asked Bud.
] "Yes", replied Bud, "but it will take some work, and cost $X".
] So you paid him $X and he set about his business.
] Some months later, you are wondering why you haven't had
] a fully-working, delivered, useful, marketable product.
] "What happened?", you ask Bud.
] Bud explains that the problem was that there were some other
] organizations who didn't put in the (unpaid-for by Bud)
] effort needed to get Bud the information Bud needed to make
] things work as planned, even though those organizations
] might get some benefit from the work Bud was doing.
] "But given $X or even $X times N, could you have accumulated
] all the information yourself, in principle, in this time?",
] you ask Bud.  "And could you not have foreseen this problem,
] or even explained to me earlier than now that it was a
] difficulty that could be overcome by more resources for you
] to gather up this information more independently?"
] Hm, I wonder what the answers are.
]       Sean.

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