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Demo Metasploit?

From: komseh at (Nelson)
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 19:18:19 -0600

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Jun Koi <junkoi2004 at> wrote:
Oops, very sorry that I forgot to change the subject. I created
another thread for my question.

Sorry again!!!
I am still a new user to metasploit, and learning around it. One of my
friend is also interested in metasploit, and asked me to show him all
the cool things about the tool.

The environment is Linux, so it is all about attacking Linux.

Now I must set up some vulnerabilities to do the demo for him. I am
wondering how people here do the demo on Metasploit? I guess it is
better to have some "hand-made" vulnerable services, rather than
having a real, dangerous vulnerability on my machine. Then the next
thing is to demo how to attack the vulnerable services via network.

So the question here is: is there any "good" vulnerable things
availalable around, so we can run it on, then attack it to demo
Metasploit ? I imagine that we might already have smt like that in the
source tree?

Many thanks,

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