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XBACKDOOR v1.0 released

From: jerome.athias at (Jerome Athias)
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 17:54:22 +0100


The programming language used is /the WLanguage/. (One advantage (for
me) is that you can code both in english and/or french).
It's an easy to learn language, the biggest problem is a framework.

Please send your technical questions on it off-list.

PS: experimental .NET assembly DLL:

metafan at a ?crit :
Hi Jerome,

Thank you very much for this proof of concept, this is definently 
(also) worth mentioning on my little website :) I do know that i 
could mention a lot more, but i just like to tell about the things
i like, so that's what i'm going to do.

I will take a look at how it works, including the documentation so
i can understand exactly how it works etc. Though one quick question
which is almost a question of how lazy i might be: Which programming
language is it exactly it supports? (when you execute commands etc?)

So far it looks really great even though i don't have time right now
to check it all out, but i definently will :) One thing that concerns
me a little is of course that you've made a controller to control all
the infected machines/computers which is similar to a botnet..

It's cool in a proof of concept as long as no one else takes credit 
for your hard work, or abuses it and makes a botnet which i don't 
know is going to happen, anyways thanks again :)

~ MaXe

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