Metasploit mailing list archives

Problem exploit launch

From: brigante00 at (brigante)
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 05:25:23 +0000

hi 2 all team and user of metasploit-project,
i'm brigante and
i've a problem with a demostration...
i've 2 PC , 1 attacker - 1 victim
the machine attacker than send the exploit is *backtrack3beta* , 
*[msf3]* , the machine victim is *Win32XP the ultimate release , 

i want to use (like the demo on Off-Sec *here* 
exploit: *windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom *; payload: 
i've setted R & LHOST , RPORT like the "*show options*" requiered , but 
the result is "*access_denied*"
target requiered "*Windows NT SP3-6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal*"

In the victim machine i've the /avast antivirus/ , with all the 
providers/protections disabled , turned "OFF" , and i don't know the 
reason of these insucess.

i've tried also with other solutions like *windows/shell_bind_tcp* but 
the result don't the exploit.

if you requiere that I write directly on mail body the result of shell 
ok , I will make it,

 For now I enclose them on *attachment *.txt


thanx all msf-team-project for your the excellent work.


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