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Re Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2018 03:50:54 +0900

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mary Shaw < () gmail com>
Date: September 15, 2018 at 1:58:54 AM GMT+9
To: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Subject: Re: [IP] Re Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free | George Monbiot | 
Opinion | The Guardian

In another development in the movement to make scientific results broadly available, European funding agencies are 
moving toward open publication.

European science funders ban grantees from publishing in paywalled journals

Frustrated with the slow transition toward open access (OA) in scientific publishing, 11 national funding 
organizations in Europe turned up the pressure today. As of 2020, the group, which jointly spends about €7.6 billion 
on research annually, will require every paper it funds to be freely available from the moment of publication. In a 
statement, the group said it will no longer allow the 6- or 12-month delays that many subscription journals now 
require before a paper is made OA, and it won't allow publication in so-called hybrid journals, which charge 
subscriptions but also make individual papers OA for an extra fee. 

The move means grantees from these 11 funders—which include the national funding agencies in the United Kingdom, the 
Netherlands, and France as well as Italy's National Institute for Nuclear Physics—will have to forgo publishing in 
thousands of journals, including high-profile ones such as Nature, Science, Cell, and The Lancet, unless those 
journals change their business model. "We think this could create a tipping point," says Marc Schiltz, president of 
Science Europe, the Brussels-based association of science organizations that helped coordinate the plan. "Really the 
idea was to make a big, decisive step—not to come up with another statement or an expression of intent."

The announcement delighted many OA advocates. [[snip]]

But traditional publishers are not pleased. [[snip]]


Under Plan S, as it's called, authors need to retain the copyright on their papers and publish them under an open 
license. The plan will cap the fees paid for publication in OA journals at a yet-to-be-determined level. Publication 
in hybrid journals—of which Springer Nature operates more than 1700 and Elsevier more than 1850—will be phased out 
under the plan because such journals have not proved to be the transition model that many hoped they would be, 
Schiltz says. In fact, he adds, "We now pay more" because the author publication fees come on top of the subscription 
price. (The Springer Nature statement says hybrid journals  do "support the transition towards full open access"; 
under special "read and publish" agreements, they allow 70% of authors in four European countries to make their 
research available immediately.)

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:39 PM Dave Farber <farber () gmail com> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jess H. Brewer" <jess () jick net>
Subject: Re: [IP] Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free | George Monbiot | 
Opinion | The Guardian
Date: September 14, 2018 11:36:12 JST
To: dave () farber net
Cc: Randall Head <rvhead40 () gmail com>
Reply-To: jess () jick net

Most federal governments now require all work funded by the government to be published in "Open Access Journals" 
(OAJ) which charge the AUTHORS to publish their work, rather than charging the READERS to view it.  This sounds 
great, but it has resulted in an exponentially growing new industry of "vanity presses" that will publish ANYTHING 
for a price.  

Meanwhile essentially every paper written in physics is immediately available for free from -- 
what is missing there is the PEER REVIEW that generates semi-reliable advice about which of those papers are WORTH 

The solution is outlined at

-- Jess

On 09/12/2018 11:57 PM, Dave Farber wrote:

Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free | George Monbiot
Thu 13 Sep 2018
Those who take on the global industry that traps research behind paywalls are heroes, not thieves

Illustration: Eva Bee
Never underestimate the power of one determined person. What Carole Cadwalladr has done to Facebook and big data, 
and Edward Snowden has done to the state security complex, Alexandra Elbakyan has done to the multibillion-dollar 
industry that traps knowledge behind paywalls. Sci-Hub, her pirate web scraper service, has done more than any 
government to tackle one of the biggest rip-offs of the modern era: the capture of publicly funded research that 
should belong to us all. Everyone should be free to learn; knowledge should be disseminated as widely as 
possible. No one would publicly disagree with these sentiments. Yet governments and universities have allowed the 
big academic publishers to deny these rights. Academic publishing might sound like an obscure and fusty affair, 
but it uses one of the most ruthless and profitable business models of any industry.

The model was pioneered by the notorious conman Robert Maxwell. He realised that, because scientists need to be 
informed about all significant developments in their field, every journal that publishes academic papers can 
establish a monopoly and charge outrageous fees for the transmission of knowledge. He called his discovery “a 
perpetual financing machine”. He also realised that he could capture other people’s labour and resources for 
nothing. Governments funded the research published by his company, Pergamon, while scientists wrote the articles, 
reviewed them and edited the journals for free. His business model relied on the enclosure of common and public 
resources. Or, to use the technical term, daylight robbery.

As his other ventures ran into trouble, he sold his company to the Dutch publishing giant Elsevier. Like its 
major rivals, it has sustained the model to this day, and continues to make spectacular profits. Half the world’s 
research is published by five companies: Reed Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley-Blackwell and the 
American Chemical Society. Libraries must pay a fortune for their bundled journals, while those outside the 
university system are asked to pay $20, $30, sometimes $50 to read a single article.

While open-access journals have grown rapidly, researchers still have to read the paywalled articles in 
commercial journals. And, because their work is assessed by those who might fund, reward or promote them 
according to the impact of the journals in which they publish, many feel they have no choice but to surrender 
their research to these companies. Science ministers come and go without saying a word about this rip-off.

‘Robert Maxwell called his discovery “a perpetual financing machine”.’ Photograph: Terry O'Neill/Hulton 
Archive/Getty Images
After my cancer diagnosis this year, I was offered a choice of treatments. I wanted to make an informed decision. 
This meant reading scientific papers. Had I not used the stolen material provided by Sci-Hub, it would have cost 
me thousands. Because I, like most people, don’t have this kind of money, I would have given up before I was 
properly informed. I have never met Elbakyan, and I can only speculate about alternative outcomes had the 
research I read not swayed my decision. But it is possible that she has saved my life.

Like people in many countries where scholarship is poorly funded, Elbakyan discovered that she could not complete 
her neuroscience research without pirated articles. Outraged by the journals’ padlock on knowledge, she used her 
hacking skills to share papers more widely. Sci-Hub allows free access to 70m papers, otherwise locked behind 

She was sued in 2015 by Elsevier, which won $15m in damages for copyright infringement, and in 2017 by the 
American Chemical Society, resulting in a $4.8m fine. These were civil cases, concerning civil matters. While the 
US courts have characterised her activities as copyright violation and data theft, to me her work involves the 
restoration to the public realm of property that belongs to us and for which we have paid. In the great majority 
of cases, the research reported has been funded by taxpayers. Most of the work involved in writing the papers, 
reviewing and editing them is carried out at public expense by people at universities. Yet this public asset has 
been captured, packaged and sold back to us for phenomenal fees. Those who pay most are publicly funded 
libraries. Taxpayers must shell out twice: first for the research, then to see the work they have sponsored. 
There might be legal justifications for this practice. There are no ethical justifications.

Alexandra Elbakyan lives in hiding, beyond the jurisdiction of the US courts, and moves Sci-Hub between domains 
as it gets taken down. She is by no means the only person to have challenged the big publishers. The Public 
Library of Science, founded by researchers who objected not only to the industry’s denial of public access but 
also its slow, antiquated and clumsy modes of publishing that hold back scientific research, has demonstrated 
that you don’t need paywalls to produce excellent journals. Advocates like Stevan Harnad, Björn Brembs, Peter 
Suber and Michael Eisen have changed the public mood. The brilliant online innovator Aaron Swartz sought to 
release 5m scientific articles into the public domain. Facing the possibility of decades in a US federal prison 
for this selfless act, he took his life.

Now libraries feel empowered to confront the big publishers. They can refuse to renew contracts with companies as 
their users have another means of getting past the paywall. As the system has begun to creak, government funding 
agencies have at last summoned the courage to do what they should have done decades ago, and demand the 
democratisation of knowledge.

Last week, a consortium of European funders, including major research agencies in the UK, France, the Netherlands 
and Italy, published their “Plan S”. It insists that, from 2020, research we have already paid for through our 
taxes will no longer be locked up. Any researcher receiving money from these funders must publish her or his work 
only in open-access journals.

The publishers have gone ballistic. Springer Nature argues that this plan “potentially undermines the whole 
research publishing system”. Yes, that’s the point. The publishers of the Science series maintain that it would 
“disrupt scholarly communications, be a disservice to researchers, and impinge academic freedom”. Elsevier says, 
“If you think information shouldn’t cost anything, go to Wikipedia”, inadvertently reminding us of what happened 
to the commercial encyclopedias.

Plan S is not perfect, but this should be the beginning of the end of Maxwell’s outrageous legacy. In the 
meantime, as a matter of principle, do not pay a penny to read an academic                 article. The ethical 
choice is to read the stolen material published by Sci-Hub.

• George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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