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Re Comments? Re New York Times defends hiring extreme climate denier: 'millions agree with him'

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 12:37:05 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rob McEwen <rob () invaluement com>
Date: April 23, 2017 at 3:55:15 PM EDT
To: dave () farber net, ip <ip () listbox com>
Subject: Re: [IP] Re Comments? Re New York Times defends hiring extreme climate denier: 'millions agree with him'

Climate change deniers, of course, have very little data on their side.

First, nobody denies that the climate does change. It has been doing so for all of recorded history, and beyond--long 
before humans spewed any (or very much) CO2. (mostly due to long-term cyclical sun cycles). Nobody denies that.

The attempted changing of the term "global warming" to "climate change" is a "bait n switch" - and then the 
assumption that someone who:

(A) doesn't believe that the release of CO2 by mankind has caused any statistically significant rise in global 
warming... and that there are OTHER explanations for this that make more sense (such as long-term cyclical sun cycles)

therefore MUST ALSO believe:

(B) that the climate doesn't ever change

The idea that A must equal B... is insulting and childish. The real scandal here is the attempted "moving of the 
goalposts" - by switching "global warming" to "climate change".

In fact, a significant amount of climate change came BEFORE mankind spewed very much CO2.

For example:–84

For various years - the Thames river froze over - in 1683–84 it froze over to a depth of over 1 foot thick ice... 
THEN... over the centuries since then - a whole lot of global warming happened SINCE then, yet BEFORE that point 
where humans spewed any statistically significant amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Then there is that pesky problem where CLIMATEGATE revealed that the scientists at the most prestigious institution 
in Europe for studying global warming - had internal emails revealed them admitting that the Medieval Warming Period 
was warmer than anything we've seen in modern times. They then discussed ways that they could hide that.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth tried to downplay the Medieval Warming Period as more mild - but the the ONE scientist 
whose data Inconvenient Truth was based on - LOST all of his data. Funny how this lost data - was made out to be such 
a big deal in the news media - because if all of this data really is "peer reviewed", shouldn't that have not even 
mattered? Hmmmmm?

Then, more recently, a lowly blogger dug into the raw data of the ground sensor data for recent years... he just 
looked at THEIR published data... and found that very very creative algorithms were being applied to the data to 
FORCE it to show global warming - where their raw data (BEFORE applying those algorithms) showed ZERO global warming 
in the past 15. (just as the satellite data shows no significant warming trend for the past 15 years either)

Of course, whenever there is an unusual seasonal/regional warmth due to ocean current cycles (El Ni·ño, etc), it gets 
(mistakenly!) attributed to global warming. But when the Great Lakes recently froze over, that got attributed to a 
one-time "arctic blast". (notice a pattern here?)

Finally, the rate of sea level rise is continuing to rise at the TINY rate of about 3-4 millimeters per year with 
ZERO sign of acceleration. (yet year after year, we keep seeing new charts and graphs predicting an acute 
acceleration in the rate of sea level rising, followed by more failed predictions when that continues to NOT happen)

In fact, Global Warming "science" (which is really pseudoscience) is littered with failed predictions and fudged 
data. That its proponents also want to shut down all debate/discussion about it and declare is as "settled science" - 
shows that THEY are the ones who believe in THEIR version of religious dogma much more so that the scientific method.

Meanwhile, the "natural" temperature of outer space is -455 degrees F. The ONLY reason we're not all frozen at -455 
degrees F is due to this ball of fire 8 light minutes from us, that is so massively large that 1.3 millions earths 
could fit inside of it. To think that tiny changes to such tiny portions of the trace gas C02 (measured in "parts per 
million"!) could impact climate more so than long-term cyclical sun cycles - is to think that the wind produced from 
the wings of a nearby fly (or something similarly silly/insignificant) is going to make more of a difference to your 
comfort as you sit by a camp fire in freezing weather - than, for example, stirring around the logs in that fire.

Rob McEwen

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