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Re: Americans' medical files go digital, by way of Asia

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:25:07 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Suresh Ramasubramanian" <suresh () hserus net>
Date: April 19, 2009 11:07:19 PM EDT
To: "'lynn'" <lynn () ecgincc com>
Cc: <dave () farber net>
Subject: RE: [IP] Americans' medical files go digital, by way of Asia

TARP for asset reconstruction, Stimulus funds .. call it whatever you like. Massive injections of state funds into a faltering economy, to serve as a booster. Caesar versus Waldorf if you will, its all salad in the end analysis.

And yes I am familiar with how legislation and government funding are pushed through. See the billions in pork barrel appropriations? They haven’t gone down just yet, right?

I don’t claim to have a solution. I just feel that wasteful expenditure has to be cut down first. BEFORE pumping money into an economy. You will find that it makes sound economic sense too.

No its not a panacea by any stretch of imagination, but fiscal responsibility is essential if only to avoid waste and misuse of this funding.

And yes, thank you for your sarcasm. And before we end this thread please do examine the fate of previous state funded welfare economies, that remained afloat for a while largely on state funding, went all the way to nationalism and a huge, inefficient public sector, etc etc.

Come to think of it, India was like that for several decades since 1947 till the mid 90s.


-----Original Message-----
From: lynn [mailto:lynn () ecgincc com]
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 8:32 AM
To: Suresh Ramasubramanian
Cc: dave () farber net
Subject: Re: [IP] Americans' medical files go digital, by way of Asia

I'm so comforted to know you have the answers the our economy. I
you have some misinformation too.

First, financial institutions received TARP, not stimulus. There is a

Second, the president here does not get to do as he wishes with
money. The president can make requests of Congress. Congress decides.
president can then sign or veto.

Perhaps this is information you knew already? Perhaps you know exactly
our system works?

I also note you know exactly how to fix the economy and have the
to other important questions. I'm sure the president will disregard the
opinions from experts once he receives your advice.

You may not think we have an economy that is so bad, but i beg to
with you. I believe you are not accurately informed.

I would appreciate you not telling me what to care about.

It seems you are interested in preserving work outsourced to india.

It is in better shape than it was a while back. And Obama has a few
ideas than trying to prove gresham's law right with the stimulus bill.

Hitting out at deceptive lending practices at banks / card companies
then get stimulus money) for one - as I read today. That, and helping
various people reconstruct their loans would be another option.
loans they've been suckered into taking and switched into high rates
a teaster low interest rate.

Pretty soon that'd free up a lot of money right there - money that'd
back into the economy.

There are a few other basic things you'd have to be a lot more
about, and that I hope progress beyond mere words, to get America out
the hole it's slipped into.  And no, the USA is not at the brother
can you
spare a dime stage yet, for which you can thank God.

There are a whole lot of jobs stateside that have been taken by
only because americans were just not eager to do them. Which has
fueled the illegal immigrant population (and h1b caps etc arent going
help change that too much.. that's a tiny fraction of the total jobs
stateside.. bank staff, farm workers etc dont come in on H1B, its
IT rather than anywhere else - for which a stimulus program aimed at
tech schools might be more to the point.. right now, every single
school has far more foreign students deriving benefit from it than US
students .. if only because of the jocks v/s nerds stereotypes,
down of school education etc).

In other words, Lynn .. there is a lot more that has to be done and
your energies can be turned upon, internally. Before raising every
bugbear from privacy all the way to american jobs going abroad when
something gets outsourced.



lynn [19/04/09 21:31 -0400]:
I don't make federal policy, laws or refulations. Nor do I enforce

I don't have my head in the sand either.

Obtaining business as a second, third, or fourth subcontractor os ver
different than announcing to the planet 'I want that business'.

Whether it's preventable or punishable is not for me to say either.

As to privacy, I can only say based on recent experience all my
info has been on reports, film, etc. I cannot speak about everything
everyone. I'm sure you cannot guarantee privacy by every company and
their workers too.

If you read the Frontline interviews (link published here a few days
you can see our economy is not in good shape. It's very bad. We need
jobs here. Where they will end up is anyone's guess.

If ou economy does not improve (the purpose of the stimulus package
tarp) there will be nothing to outsource from this country. Nor will
from other countries be able to sell their products and services here.
worse too.

Be careful you don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Coming back to the discussion - there are plenty of ways that
funding will find itself outsourced, at second hand say ((you farm
to a company in peoria IL, they farm it out to the philippines.. -
margin of profit is more htan enough even with this arms lenth

It'd be naïve to think that won't occur, or that it is preventable.

As for the privacy issue someone else pointed out that PII is
redacted from these.  And what *is* PII does get outsourced on a
routine basis (most due diligence for bank loans, for banks around
world gets outsourced, for example  .. and I dont mean hardselling
subprime mortgages, more like vetting loan applicants for deadbeats,
credit ratng history etc).

You can try but you can't stop it. And head in the sand
the way to go to boost the US economy or generate jobs. Its been
before, in other countries too (India for example).


On Sun, April 19, 2009 9:34 pm, lynn wrote:

On the other hand, in countries like India and the Philippines
where 45..50 units of the local currency equal a dollar, and a
can be
had for a dollar, a month's electricity bill is something like

So? What does that mean? Except the cost of living is less.

It means, Lynn, that average salaries (burger flipping wages
are enough, in these countries, for an upper middle class

i get that. here, for some, it means more - a rise to possibly

Or is it possible you don't understand the extent of the crisis

So, assuming the economy picks up again - obama stimulus or
you'd find that you have to pay the people you hire far more than
burgerflipper wages.

don't assume anythig in these times.

You did not touch on the question of the stimulus dollars are
supposed to be spent in the US by law. This bill was not meant
people in countries other than the US.

If this outsourcing is paid for out of stimulus money - yes it
stay stateside. But is it?

from the article: The Philippines hopes to reap big profits from
multibillion-dollar push to computerize health records.

computerizing health records is a huge part of the stimulus bill.

Nor did your comments touch on the privacy issue.

I find that business contracts with penalty clauses do help
privacy - and copyright law etc is about the same in countries

copyright has nothing to do with privacy though.

i remember reading on this list a couple of years ago or so of a
in india (i believe - i may remember the country incorrectly) that
threatened to publish records online if she didn't get a raise.

contracts may help - but only after the damage is done.


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