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IP: True encroachment on liberty

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 20:11:08 -0400

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 3:04 +0200
From: krulwich () geocities com
Subject: True encroachment on liberty
To: farber () cis upenn edu


Having read every message on IP about the WTC tragedy, I'm
shocked at how disconnected from reality the concerns are, and
how the messages have missed true issues of freedom and
liberty.  Worrying unnecessarily isn't a bad thing (and may indeed
by the price of liberty), but missing true concerns in the process

I say this as an American who's lived in Israel for the past 5
years, and has lived and breathed the reality of a country coping
with terrorism and security concerns.

As a bit of background to avoid mis-imressions: I am not a
"settler," I live in Israeli West Jerusalem far from any borders.  I
was a skeptical supporter of the Oslo process, and I'm not
particularly happy to have my skepticism proven right.

My first point is that increased security doesn't necessarily bring
about significantly reduced freedom.  There are metal detectors
in most malls here, and many large government or office
buildings, and bags are routinely searched, but both are handled
by mall personel, not government agents, who have no interest in
the search other than building safety.  Soldiers or policemen who
are there for security are specifically kept seperate from the
searching.  The bottom line is that I've never heard of cases of
misuse of search, and I'm convinced that this is precisely
because the securty concerns are serious enough that the
guards don't care abut anything else.

The government does not in any way limit my movement, nor
does it limit the movement of Israeli Arab citizens.  This is an
important point that is deliberately muddled by the media.  There
are border crossing restrictions for non-citizens (as wit the
Mexican and Canadian borders), especially from the Palestinian
Autonomy (where the bombs come from), but no citizens have
their movement restricted for security.  This has not always been
the case, but it is now.

At the same time, there are not technology limitations for
security.  I have ADSL at home and a better connected cellular
PDA that can be bought in the States (because of your GSM
issues).  Some technology exports require permits, but these are
easily gotten if the government is sure that no tax evasion is
going on.  Plenty of involvement in encryption, security, and open
source, as is well known and publicized.  There are plenty of
problems here because of an over-beurocratized government,
but not from security concerns.

To be clear, none of this is a proof that problems wouldn't exist if
security was beefed up in the States.  But it's an existance proof
that these probems can be avoided.

Point two: My liberty is in fact significantly compromised by the
terrorists who are turning suicide bombing into a national
pastime.  The 22 suicide bombers that have entered Israel in the
past year have completely compromised my freedom of travel,
my freedom of recreation, and my sense of security in my home.
3 or 4 times a year we promise our kids that we'll travel around
the country, and for the past year we've had to keep them
occupied on vacations within our own neighborhood because
there were too many bombs and shootings.  This is a true threat
to my freedom and liberty.

Some of you may be tempted to say that I'm choosing this
reaction, and there may be some truth to that, but none of you
truly understand having several terrorist incidents a week for a
year.  Can you imagine a WTC attack each week for a year, or
an airplane bombing each week?  I don't think you can.

This has gotten longer than I wanted, so let me sum up as
follows.  There are primary threats to liberty and there are
potential secondary threats to liberty.  Terror attacks are a
primary threat on liberty.  Governent responses are important to
watch but should actually be able to restore the liberty taken by
the terrorists without imposing significant restrictions themselves.

Please give it some thought, and please let the government
protect your freedom as vigilantly as you monitor the

--Bruce Krulwich

  e-mail: krulwich () geocities com
    or krulwich () yahoo com (backup)

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