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IP: 8VSB: You are the weakest link

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 07:57:08 -0400

To: OpenDTV Mail List <openDTV () topica com>
Subject: [OpenDTV] 8VSB: You are the weakest link

Sender: <openDTV () topica com>

I received this rather scathing assessment of the NAB conference cutting
through the usual spin and hype from a well known journalist. Enjoy.

As our Annie,  now adopted by NBC,  would say....




I am sitting on the plane having endured another NAB full of promise, and
very much full of hype! However much I have tried to feel enthusiastic
about this major broadcast event, I leave with a hollow feeling and a great
deal of disappointment. Perhaps I was expecting too much! Had I more
closely analysed the recent 'state of affairs' in the USA and the state of
the economy I would have realised that I should have been more prepared.
Big issues are all about the spin and nothing to do with the actual reality
of any given scenario. But who cares? Are we all just a little jaded with
it all to care too much anymore?

Just to give you a flavour of this year's event and the spin-doctors:
Sunday kicked-off with a press conference at the 'DTV Store' (The CEA and
NAB + ATSC created a Digital TV Store). A press conference invite with the
tantalising phrase, "An important announcement concerning digital
television"; definitely not to be missed. As it turned out it was merely a
publicity stunt by the aforementioned 'gang-of-three' as an attempt to
repair the damaged reputation of the DTV in the USA. Timed very neatly, no
doubt, to mask the recent bad press concerning the debacle of testing
carried out by the MSTV. Very much a self-appreciation gathering for the
purveyors of the hype in this DTV broadcast market, the roll call of
speakers publicly announced, and not for the first time I might add, that
America was the 'world leader' in digital television? .

The announcement. Ah! Yes! It was the announcement concerning this
collaboration between NAB, ATSC and the CEA for a publicity campaign to
drive the sales of DTV forward (This follows a recent UK and Australia
initiative it just so happens). Gary Shapiro Chairman of the CEA tried to
engender enthusiasm but seemed only to be convincing himself!  Once again
he re-iterated that to date the consumer electronic market showed a boom in
digital sales. These were announced as 648,000 devices sold so far. Don't
forget 'Digital Devices'? Not DTV Receivers of which 22% was finally
offered as containing a DTV receiver. Not mentioned either is that some of
these devices were for DVB services (HDTV on Dish Network with an 8-VSB
tuner that is probably redundant). Lynn Claudy of the NAB in a sidebar with
a journalist was heard to say that it depended how you were counting and
that the figure was closer to 100,000...others still discussed the more
realistic 25-28,000...therefore an extremely unclear scenario was laid out
before us, once again!. Apparently the "Time for finger pointing is over",
furthered Shapiro!  We shall see!

Unfortunately this whole back slapping, public relations moment failed to
address the honest fact that whilst a campaign to sell equipment of a DTV
nature is now being undertaken at a consumer level the system that delivers
the signals to these unsuspecting purchasers is subject to a myriad of
RFP's in order to repair it. (It is broken! And no matter all the hype,
this is fact!).

Further on the trail of DTV at NAB Robert Graves the Chairman of the ATSC
was very low-key at the 'Brazilian Breakfast'; choosing not to represent
the ATSC along side the DVB and ISDB (Maybe due to last years embarrassing
attacks by SET/ABERT). This gathering of the 3 system proponents for the
SET/ABERT breakfast also included ANATEL (Government Regulator in Brazil).
The invitation had invited us to witness a 'debate' for the best
terrestrial system for Brazil.  Who took the line of fire for the USA? As I
said, not Mr. Graves but Bob Seidel of CBS who had; announced with no
embarrassment, participated in the MSTV trials. He admitted that the tests
ended up being about equipment and not systems and therefore not scientific
at all. And most damning was that the USA would definitely forget mobile.
The disappointing element was in fact that this breakfast turned out to be
a one-way traffic of information and more misrepresentation of the COFDM v
8-VSB tests. Charts from the ridiculous MSTV tests were shown, thus further
stretching credibility. There was no time for questions and answers or
rebuttal, in fact there was no debate.

ANATEL eloquently highlighted the extent of the study that had gone into
the field trials and evaluation of tests in Brazil. They indicated that it
was time for the public consultation in Brazil and responses from each
party (DVB, ISDB & ATSC). It appeared as if the ATSC had managed to get the
8-VSB back into the equation as I will explain is a confused

Confused: we all were! This is because in a strange twist the SET/ABERT
group who mediated this breakfast, having recently rejected and very
publicly rejected the ATSC system in favour of an COFDM solution, made a
point of thanking Robert Graves for his presence (in the audience) and
asked the inimitable Joe Flaherty of CBS, also present, to give the wrap-up
speech; despite the fact that there were many high level Brazilian
ministers in the audience. It is a strange world of hidden agendas and egos
that presently engulfs the DTV in the USA and Brazil too it would now
appear! Mr. Flaherty went on to cite an earlier mentor of his who had given
him something that he always lives by, "The first thing should be the first
thing first". This was in reference to the USA's decision on selecting HDTV
as the 'raison d'etre' for the future of digital TV in the USA. Once again
he conveniently and publicly announced that Europe did not do HDTV! However
he corrected himself to say they were capable, this only after pronounced
sighs of disbelief from the pro DVB portion of the audience. It was perhaps
a wise move as the DVB stand on the trade show floor showed a fantastic
'off the shelf' demo of DVB HDTV that is actually in many homes across the
USA. Ironically it appears that DVB is beating ATSC at its own game in the
HDTV domain. He also criticised the attempt at offering 'new services' in
DTV (referring to mobile TV & portable) and that giving up traditional
broadcasting and adding new technologies just because we can is not the way
forward. This appeared to be the attitude of the 'old school' giving
credence (and thus supporting Mr. Seidel) for the selection of the
8-VSB-modulation system that cannot offer anything other than 'old
fashioned' broadcasting and that as we know, is questionable! So we had it,
the old guard standing firm in a blinkered view of what the USA
broadcasters want and need in order to move forward in these new and
exciting times.

Zenith, one of the strongest VSB proponents would only give 'private' and
'exclusive' demonstrations of their Enhanced VSB receivers.  Such a public
debate and resolute decision to reject COFDM apparently still requires
closed doors?

So as the trade show meandered (lost for direction) around promising
technologies and promising enhancements and promising new businesses built
on emerging technologies the USA DTV machine buried its head in old values
and old technology.

I passed by the DVB stand to ask them why they had not attacked the MSTV
and had allowed this type of 'politics' to belittle their technology. Their
response was simple and succinct. "Had the USA exposed 8-VSB for what it is
in comparison to DVB-T it would have embarrassed the ATSC and others who
have lauded the technology for so long. It was convenient to have this
result and it suited the politics."

So as the halls of NAB were ripped apart to make way for the next
convention, the heart of the DTV was ripped out of the USA and the band
played on.

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